================== Setting Up Eclipse ================== This article describes how to configure your **Eclipse** workspace for plugin development with SpongeAPI and :doc:`a build system such as Maven or Gradle <../buildsystem/>`. .. note:: A tutorial by Mumfrey showing the setup of a Sponge workspace in Eclipse, using the new features in Buildship and ForgeGradle, can be viewed `here `_. Gradle ====== Preparing Gradle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: Gradle is automatically included in Eclipse starting from the Neon release (June 22, 2016) and later. These steps are only required for earlier versions. You must first install the **Gradle Integration Plugin** before using Gradle in Eclipse. This only needs to be done upon the creation of your first project. .. tip:: Typically, you do not need the optional Spring modules distributed with this plugin, so you can uncheck them during installation. * Open **Eclipse**. * Click ``Help > Eclipse Marketplace``. * Search for ``Gradle Integration Plugin``. * Install the **Gradle Integration Plugin**. Creating your project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Open **Eclipse**. * Click ``File > New > Other``. * Select ``Gradle > Gradle Project``. * Click ``Next``. * Enter a project name, then click ``Finish``. Editing the build script ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Open ``build.gradle`` in the navigator. * Edit the build script according to the instructions at :doc:`../project/gradle`. * Right-click your project, and select ``Gradle > Refresh Gradle Project``. Importing your project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've already started with your project and want to import it again at a later point you need to import it instead of re-creating it inside your IDE: * Click ``File > Import`` * Select ``Gradle > Gradle Project`` * Navigate to the root folder of the project * Click Finish Maven ===== Creating your project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Open **Eclipse**. * Click ``File > New > Other``. * Select ``Maven`` on the left side of the popup, and select ``Maven Project`` on the right side. * Click ``Next``. * Select ``Create a simple project``, unless you require a more advanced setup. * Enter your **Group ID**, **Artifact ID**, **Version**, project name, and project description. * Your **Group ID** should usually correspond to your Java package name. See :doc:`../plugin-class` for details. * Your **Artifact ID** should usually correspond to your **plugin ID** you chose earlier, e.g. ``myplugin``. * Your **Version** is up to you. * Click ``Finish``. .. tip:: Eclipse often does not open new projects after creating them. If this happens, try closing the Eclipse welcome screen; your project should be open behind it. Editing the project configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Open ``pom.xml`` in the navigator. * Edit the build configuration according to the instructions at :doc:`../project/maven`. * Refresh your Maven project. Importing your project ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you've already started with your project and want to import it again at a later point you need to import it instead of re-creating it inside your IDE: * Click ``File > Import`` * Select ``Maven > Existing Maven Projects`` * Navigate to the root folder of the project * Click Finish Git Integration =============== The Eclipse Foundation offers documentation on using Eclipse's EGit plugin: https://www.eclipse.org/egit/documentation/