Rapporter feil

If you’ve encountered a bug and you’re unsure on how to report it, this is the page to look at. We’re currently handling all bug reports through our issue trackers on GitHub and via the forums.

If there’s an issue with SpongeForge, report it on the SpongeForge issue tracker. The same applies for SpongeVanilla (SpongeVanilla issue tracker) and even the Docs (SpongeDocs issue tracker).

Whenever you report a bug, please include the following:

  • Sponge version used (SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla build number)

  • Forge version (if applicable)

  • any other mods or plugins installed including their versions

  • your Loggfiler

  • please use a service like GitHubs gist to provide logs, don’t paste them into the post directly

  • your crash report (optional, not necessarily created)

Please make sure you already read through our Feilretting, Feilsøking and Loggfiler sections. If the problem still persists, then file a bug report.

Here’s a short example, you may copy and use it when opening a ticket on GitHub. Note that this is just a suggestion, its usage is optional and you may modify it to suit your needs:

Build number: #buildnumber here#
Forge version: #Forgeversion here#

Log files: #link to pastebin here#
Crash report: #link to pastebin here#


#short description of the bug you found here#