
Services provide common server functionality that is intended to be provided by plugins so that plugins that wish to use this functionality do not need to depend on any third-party plugins. Some services, such as the PermissionService, are tightly integrated into the API itself, providing the core functionality for some of the API (for example, the PermissionService supports various methods on the Subject interface).

Services themselves can be Server scoped or Game scoped. Due to the potential for servers restarting multiple times within a game instance, server scoped services should at least change instance across restarts, and may be provided by different plugins.


In previous versions of SpongeAPI, plugins could register their own arbitary services to arbitary interfaces. This is no longer possible using the Sponge service provider in SpongeAPI 8 and later.

Obtaining a Service

Services can be retrieved from the ServiceProvider via the serviceProvider method on either Game or Server. Inspect ServiceProvider.GameScoped and ServiceProvider.ServerScoped for details of what services are provided in these scopes.

Providing a Service

Service implementations are provided during the generic ProvideServiceEvent. For example, to supply a PermissionService, you would listen to the event like so (swapping out the “new” call for your service construction code):

import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener
import org.spongepowered.api.event.lifecycle.ProvideServiceEvent
import org.spongepowered.api.service.permission.PermissionService

public void providePermissionService(final ProvideServiceEvent.EngineScoped<PermissionService> event) {
    event.suggest(() -> new ConcretePermissionService());

It is important to note that it is possible that your listener will never get called. It is left up to the API implementation to decide which plugin to pick to provide a given service. With this in mind, it is highly recommended that you do not construct your service implementation yourself, instead doing so within the Supplier supplied to the suggest method.