
Global yapılandırma

Global.conf dosyası Sponge için geniş çaplı kurulum ayarlarını içerir. Bu dosya, sunucu dosyanızın config/sponge bölümünde oluşturulur. Bu özelliklerin birçoğu config/worlds dosyalarının alt dosyalarındaki kurulum dosyaları kullanılarak dünya veya boyut tipinde iptal edilebilir.

Below is a list of available config settings and their comments inside the global.conf file. Note that certain sections will not be filled immediately, and may optionally be added to the file when the server encounters them. There’s also full example of an unmodified global.conf file at the bottom of this page, below the following list:


The following section headings refer to the path within the configuration (and the corresponding simple class name). Each of the entries in a section refers to a configurable property in the associated class. The Type information refers to the section/class that describes the nested configuration structure.


The main configuration for Sponge: global.conf

  • block-entity-activation

  • entity

Type: Entity

  • entity-activation-range

  • entity-collision

  • movement-checks

  • player-block-tracker

  • spawner

    Used to control spawn limits around a player’s view distance.

Type: Spawner

  • world

Type: World

block-entity-activation (BlockEntityActivation)

  • auto-populate

    If true, newly discovered block entities will be added to this config with default settings.

Type: boolean
Default: false

  • default-range

    Default activation block range used for all block entities unless overridden.

Type: int
Default: 64

  • default-tick-rate

    Default tick rate used for all block entities unless overridden.

Type: int
Default: 1

  • mods

    Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

block-entity-activation.mods (MobSub)

Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

  • default-range

Type: Integer

  • default-tick-rate

Type: Integer

  • enabled

    If false, block entity activation rules for this mod will be ignored and always tick.

Type: boolean
Default: true

  • ranges

Type: Map<String, Integer>

  • tick-rates

Type: Map<String, Integer>

entity (Entity)

  • human

  • item

  • max-bounding-box-size

    Maximum size of an entity’s bounding box before removing it. Set to 0 to disable

Type: int
Default: 1000

  • max-speed

    Square of the maximum speed of an entity before removing it. Set to 0 to disable

Type: int
Default: 100

  • painting

entity.human (HumanSub)
  • tab-list-remove-delay

    Number of ticks before the fake player entry of a human is removed from the tab list (range of 0 to 100 ticks).

Type: int
Default: 10

entity.item (ItemSub)
  • despawn-rate

    Controls the time in ticks for when an item despawns.

Type: int
Default: 6000

entity.painting (PaintingSub)
  • respawn-delay

    Number of ticks before a painting is respawned on clients when their art is changed

Type: int
Default: 2

entity-activation-range (EntityActivationRange)

  • auto-populate

    If true, newly discovered entities will be added to this config with a default value.

Type: boolean
Default: false

  • global-ranges

    Default activation ranges used for all entities unless overridden.

Type: Map<String, Integer>

  • mods

    Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

entity-activation-range.mods (ModSub)

Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

  • default-ranges

    Default activation ranges used for all entities unless overridden.

Type: Map<String, Integer>

  • enabled

    If false, entity activation rules for this mod will be ignored and always tick.

Type: boolean
Default: true

  • entities

Type: Map<String, Integer>

entity-collision (EntityCollision)

  • auto-populate

    If true, newly discovered entities/blocks will be added to this config with a default value.

Type: boolean
Default: false

  • max-entities-within-aabb

    Maximum amount of entities any given entity or block can collide with. This improves performance when there are more than 8 entities on top of each other such as a 1x1 spawn pen. Set to 0 to disable.

Type: int
Default: 8

  • mods

    Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

entity-collision.mods (ModSub1)

Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.

  • block-default

Type: Integer
Default: 8

  • blocks

Type: Map<String, Integer>

  • enabled

    If false, entity collision rules for this mod will be ignored.

Type: boolean
Default: true

  • entities

Type: Map<String, Integer>

  • entity-default

Type: Integer
Default: 8

movement-checks (MovementChecks)

  • moved-too-quickly-threshold

    Sets the threshold for whether the player moved too quickly! check will be enforced

Type: double
Default: 100.0

  • moved-wrongly

    Controls whether the player/entity moved wrongly! check will be enforced

Type: boolean
Default: true

  • moved-wrongly-threshold

    Sets the threshold for whether the player moved wrongly! check will be enforced

Type: double
Default: 0.0625

  • player

  • vehicle-moved-too-quickly-threshold

    Sets the threshold for whether the vehicle of player moved too quickly! check will be enforced

Type: double
Default: 100.0

  • vehicle-moved-wrongly-threshold

    Sets the threshold for whether the vehicle of player moved wrongly! check will be enforced

Type: double
Default: 0.0625

movement-checks.player (PlayerSub)
  • moved-too-quickly

    Controls whether the player moved too quickly! check will be enforced

Type: boolean
Default: true

  • vehicle-moved-too-quickly

    Controls whether the vehicle of player moved too quickly! check will be enforced

Type: boolean
Default: true

player-block-tracker (PlayerBlockTracker)

  • block-blacklist

    Blocks that will be blacklisted for player block placement tracking. In namespaced format, ex. minecraft:stone

Type: List<String>

  • enabled

    If true, adds player tracking support for block positions.

    Note: This should only be disabled if you do not care who caused a block to change.

Type: boolean
Default: true

spawner (Spawner)

Used to control spawn limits around a player’s view distance.

  • spawn-limits

  • tick-rates

spawner.spawn-limits (SpawnLimitsSub)
  • ambient

    The number of ambients the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.

Type: int
Default: 15

  • aquatic-ambient

    The number of aquatic ambients the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.

Type: int
Default: 20

  • aquatic-creature

    The number of aquatic creatures the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.

Type: int
Default: 5

  • creature

    The number of creatures the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.

Type: int
Default: 10

  • monster

    The number of monsters the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.

Type: int
Default: 70

spawner.tick-rates (TickRatesSub)
  • ambient

    The ambient spawning tick rate. Default: 1

Type: int
Default: 1

  • aquatic-ambient

    The aquatic ambient spawning tick rate. Default: 1

Type: int
Default: 1

  • aquatic-creature

    The aquatic creature spawning tick rate. Default: 1

Type: int
Default: 1

  • creature

    The creature spawning tick rate. Default: 1

Type: int
Default: 1

  • monster

    The monster ambient spawning tick rate. Default: 1

Type: int
Default: 1

world (World)

  • auto-save-interval

    The auto-save tick interval used to save all loaded chunks in a world. Set to 0 to disable.

    Note: 20 ticks is equivalent to 1 second.

Type: int
Default: 6000

  • item-merge-radius

    The defined merge radius for Item entities such that when two items are within the defined radius of each other, they will attempt to merge. Usually, the default radius is set to 0.5 in Vanilla, however, for performance reasons 2.5 is generally acceptable.

    Note: Increasing the radius higher will likely cause performance degradation with larger amount of items as they attempt to merge and search nearby areas for more items. Setting to a negative value is not supported!

Type: double
Default: 2.5

  • log-auto-save

    Log when a world auto-saves its chunk data.

    Note: This may be spammy depending on the auto-save-interval configured for world.

Type: boolean
Default: false

This configuration file was generated using SpongeForge 7.3.0 (Forge 2838, SpongeAPI 7.3):

# 1.0
# # If you need help with the configuration or have any questions related to Sponge,
# # join us at the IRC or drop by our forums and leave a post.
# # IRC: #sponge @ ( )
# # Forums:

sponge {
    # Stopgap measures for dealing with broken mods
    broken-mods {
        # A list of mod ids that have broken network handlers (they interact with the game from a Netty handler thread).
        # All network handlers from a forcibly scheduled to run on the main thread.
        # Note that this setting should be considered a last resort, and should only be used as a stopgap measure
        # while waiting for a mod to properly fix the issue.
    # Controls how Sponge interacts with server proxies, such as BungeeCord and Velocity.
    # Requires that the 'bungeecord' module is enabled.
    bungeecord {
        # If 'true', allows BungeeCord to forward IP address, UUID, and Game Profile to this server.
    # Configuration options related to Sponge's cause tracking system
    cause-tracker {
        # A mapping that is semi-auto-populating for TileEntities whose types
        # are found to be providing 'null' Block sources as neighbor notifications
        # that end up causing crashes or spam reports. If the value is set to
        # 'true', then a "workaround" will be attempted. If not, the
        # current BlockState at the target source will be queried from the world.
        # This map having a specific
        # entry of a TileEntity will prevent a log or warning come up to any logs
        # when that 'null' arises, and Sponge will self-rectify the TileEntity
        # by calling the method "getBlockType()". It is advised that if the mod
        # id in question is coming up, that the mod author is notified about the
        # error-prone usage of the field "blockType". You can refer them to
        # the following links for the issue:
        # Also, please provide them with these links for the example PR to
        # fix the issue itself, as the fix is very simple:
        auto-fix-null-source-block-providing-tile-entities {}
        # If set to 'true', when a mod or plugin attempts to spawn an entity
        # off the main server thread, Sponge will automatically
        # capture said entity to spawn it properly on the main
        # server thread. The catch to this is that some mods are
        # not considering the consequences of spawning an entity
        # off the server thread, and are unaware of potential race
        # conditions they may cause. If this is set to false,
        # Sponge will politely ignore the entity being spawned,
        # and emit a warning about said spawn anyways.
        # If 'true', more thorough debugging for PhaseStates
        # such that a StackTrace is created every time a PhaseState
        # switches, allowing for more fine grained troubleshooting
        # in the cases of runaway phase states. Note that this is
        # not extremely performant and may have some associated costs
        # with generating the stack traces constantly.
        # The maximum number of times to recursively process transactions in a single phase.
        # Some mods may interact badly with Sponge's block capturing system, causing Sponge to
        # end up capturing block transactions every time it tries to process an existing batch.
        # Due to the recursive nature of the depth-first processing that Sponge uses to handle block transactions,
        # this can result in a stack overflow, which causes us to lose all infomration about the original cause of the issue.
        # To prevent a stack overflow, Sponge tracks the current processing depth, and aborts processing when it exceeds
        # this threshold.
        # The default value should almost always work properly - it's unlikely you'll ever have to change it.
        # If verbose is not enabled, this restricts the amount of
        # runaway phase state printouts, usually happens on a server
        # where a PhaseState is not completing. Although rare, it should
        # never happen, but when it does, sometimes it can continuously print
        # more and more. This attempts to placate that while a fix can be worked on
        # to resolve the runaway. If 'verbose' is enabled, they will always print.
        # If true, when a mod attempts to perform a neighbor notification
        # on a block, some mods do not know to perform a 'null' check
        # on the source block of their TileEntity. This usually goes by
        # unnoticed by other mods, because they may perform '==' instance
        # equality checks instead of calling methods on the potentially
        # null Block, but Sponge uses the block to build information to
        # help tracking. This has caused issues in the past. Generally,
        # this can be useful for leaving 'true' so a proper report is
        # generated once for your server, and can be reported to the
        # offending mod author.
        # This is 'false' by default in SpongeVanilla.
        # Review the following links for more info:
        # If set to 'true', when a mod or plugin attempts to submit a command
        # asynchronously, Sponge will automatically capture said command
        # and submit it for processing on the server thread. The catch to
        # this is that some mods are performing these commands in vanilla
        # without considering the possible consequences of such commands
        # affecting any thread-unsafe parts of Minecraft, such as worlds,
        # block edits, entity spawns, etc. If this is set to false, Sponge
        # will politely ignore the command being executed, and emit a warning
        # about said command anyways.
        # If 'true', the phase tracker will print out when there are too many phases
        # being entered, usually considered as an issue of phase re-entrance and
        # indicates an unexpected issue of tracking phases not to complete.
        # If this is not reported yet, please report to Sponge. If it has been
        # reported, you may disable this.
        # If 'true', the phase tracker will dump extra information about the current phases
        # when certain non-PhaseTracker related exceptions occur. This is usually not necessary, as the information
        # in the exception itself can normally be used to determine the cause of the issue.
    # Configuration options related to commands, including command aliases and hidden commands.
    commands {
        # Command aliases will resolve conflicts when multiple plugins request a specific command.
        # Correct syntax is '<unqualified command>=<plugin name>' e.g. 'sethome=homeplugin'
        aliases {}
        # Defines how Sponge should act when a user tries to access a command they do not have
        # permission for
        command-hiding {
            # If this is true, when a user tries to tab complete a command, or use "/sponge which" or
            # "/sponge:help" this prevents commands a user does not have permission for from being completed.
            # Note that some commands may not show up during tab complete if a user does not have permission
            # regardless of this setting.
            # If this is true, when a user tries to use a command they don't have permission for, Sponge
            # will act as if the command doesn't exist, rather than showing a no permissions message.
        # Some mods may not trigger a permission check when running their command. Setting this to
        # 'true' will enforce a check of the Sponge provided permission ('<modid>.command.<commandname>').
        # Note that setting this to 'true' may cause some commands that are generally accessible to all to
        # require a permission to run.
        # Setting this to 'true' will enable greater control over whether a command will appear in
        # tab completion and Sponge's help command.
        # If you are not using a permissions plugin, it is highly recommended that this is set to 'false'
        # (as it is by default).
        # Patches the specified commands to respect the world of the sender instead of applying the
        # changes on the all worlds.
        multi-world-patches {
    # Configuratiom options related to debugging features that are disabled by default.
    debug {
        # Detect and prevent parts of PlayerChunkMap being called off the main thread.
        # This may decrease sever preformance, so you should only enable it when debugging a specific issue.
        # Detect and prevent certain attempts to use entities concurrently.
        # WARNING: May drastically decrease server performance.
        # Only set this to 'true' to debug a pre-existing issue.
        # If 'true', Java's thread contention monitoring for thread dumps is enabled.
    # Configuration options related to entities and their performance impact.
    entity {
        # Number of colliding entities in one spot before logging a warning.
        # Set to '0' to disable.
        # Number of ticks before a painting is respawned on clients when their art is changed.
        # Number of ticks before the fake player entry of a human is removed from the tab list
        # (ranges from '0' to '100' ticks).
        # Controls the time in ticks for when an item despawns.
        # The upper bounded range where living entities farther from a player will likely despawn.
        # The amount of seconds before a living entity between the soft and hard despawn ranges
        # from a player to be considered for despawning.
        # The lower bounded range where living entities near a player may potentially despawn.
        # Maximum size of an entity's bounding box before removing it.
        # Set to '0' to disable.
        # Square of the maximum speed of an entity before removing it.
        # Set to '0' to disable.
    # Allows the configuration of the default entity activation ranges.
    entity-activation-range {
        # If 'true', newly discovered entities will be added to this config with a default value.
        # Default activation ranges used for all entities unless overridden.
        defaults {
        # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
        mods {}
    # Configuration options related to entity collision checks.
    entity-collisions {
        # If 'true', newly discovered entities/blocks will be added to this config with a default value.
        # Maximum amount of entities any given entity or block can collide with.
        # This improves performance when there are more than 8 entities on top of each other
        # such as a 1x1 spawn pen.Set to '0' to disable.
        # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
        mods {
            minecraft {
                # Default maximum collisions used for all entities unless overridden.
                defaults {}
                # If 'false', entity collision rules for this mod will be ignored.
                entities {}
    # Configuration option related to sponge provided exploit patches
    exploits {
        # If 'limit-book-size' is enabled, controls the multiplier applied to each book page size
        # Enables filtering invalid entities when a chunk is being saved
        # such that the entity that does not "belong" in the saving chunk will not be saved,
        # and forced an update to the world's tracked entity lists for chunks.
        # See
        # Limits the size of a book that can be sent by the client.
        # See
        # (Only affects SpongeVanilla)
        # Enables focing a chunk load when an entity position is set.
        # Usually due to teleportation, vehicle movement etc. can a position lead an entity to no longer exist
        # within it's currently marked and tracked chunk. This will enable that chunk for the position is loaded.
        # Part of several exploits.
        # See
        # (Only affects SpongeVanilla)
        # Enables forcing chunks to save when an entity is added or removed from said chunk.
        # This is a partial fix for some exploits using vehicles.
        # See
        # (Only affects SpongeVanilla)
        # If 'limit-book-size' is enabled, controls the maximum size of a book page
        # Prevents an exploit in which the client sends a packet with the itemstack name
        # exceeding the string limit.
        # Enables forcing updates to the player's location on vehicle movement.
        # This is partially required to update the server's understanding of where the player exists,
        # and allows chunk loading issues to be avoided with laggy connections and/or hack clients.
        # See
        # (Only affects SpongeVanilla)
        # Enables forcing a chunk-tracking refresh on entity movement.
        # This enables a guarantee that the entity is tracked in the proper chunk when moving.
        # See
        # (Only affects SpongeVanilla)
    # Contains general configuration options for Sponge that don't fit into a specific classification
    general {
        # If 'true', Sponge will try to ensure that its data is on disk
        # when saving the 'level_sponge.dat' file,
        # but this may cause a slight performance hit.
        # Setting this to 'false' will mean Sponge does not
        # perform any consistency checks, but you may end up
        # with corrupt data if an unexpected failure occurs on your server,
        # requiring restoring this file from backup.
        # The directory for Sponge plugin configurations, relative to the
        # execution root or specified as an absolute path.
        # Note that the default: '${CANONICAL_GAME_DIR}/config'
        # is going to use the 'config' directory in the root game directory.
        # If you wish for plugin configs to reside within a child of the configuration
        # directory, change the value to, for example, '${CANONICAL_CONFIG_DIR}/sponge/plugins'.
        # Note: It is not recommended to set this to '${CANONICAL_CONFIG_DIR}/sponge', as there is
        # a possibility that plugin configurations can conflict the Sponge core configurations.
        # If 'true', sleeping between chunk saves will be enabled, beware of memory issues.
        # Additional directory to search for plugins, relative to the
        # execution root or specified as an absolute path.
        # Note that the default: '${CANONICAL_MODS_DIR}/plugins'
        # is going to search for a plugins folder in the mods directory.
        # If you wish for the plugins folder to reside in the root game
        # directory, change the value to '${CANONICAL_GAME_DIR}/plugins'.
    # Automatically assigns (permission) contexts to users that use any of the given ips.
    # This can be used to restrict/grant permissions, based on the player's source or target ip.
    ip-sets {}
    # Configuration option related to logging certain action such as chunk loading.
    logging {
        # Log when blocks are broken
        # Log when blocks are modified
        # Log when blocks are placed
        # Log when blocks are populated in a chunk
        # Log when blocks are placed by players and tracked
        # Log when chunks are queued to be unloaded by the chunk garbage collector.
        # Log when chunks are loaded
        # Log when chunks are unloaded
        # Whether to log entity collision/count checks
        # Log when living entities are destroyed
        # Log when living entities are despawned
        # Log when living entities are spawned
        # Whether to log entity removals due to speed
        # Log when server receives exploited packet with itemstack name exceeding string limit.
        # Log when player attempts to respawn invisible to surrounding players.
        # Log when server receives exploited packet to update a sign containing commands
        # from player with no permission.
        # Add stack traces to dev logging
        # Log when two conflicting changes are merged into one. (This number specifies the maximum number of
        # messages to log. Set to 0 to show all messages.)
        # Log when a world auto-saves its chunk data.
        # Note: This may be spammy depending on the auto-save-interval configured for world.
    # Configuration options related to metric collection.
    metrics {
        # The global collection state that should be respected by all plugins that have no specified collection state. If 'undefined' then it is treated as disabled.
        # Plugin-specific collection states that override the global collection state.
        plugin-states {}
    # Sponge provides a number of modules that allow for enabling or disabling
    # certain specific features. These may be enabled or disabled below.
    # Any changes here require a server restart as modules are applied at startup.
    modules {
        # Enables experimental fixes for broken mods
        # The BungeeCord Module, allows Sponge to be used with a Proxy like Bungeecord or Velocity.
        # Usually you want to also enable 'bungeecord.ip-forwarding' with this.
        # The entity activation module, allows you to tweak entity activation ranges,
        # similarly to "Entity Distance" in the latest 1.16 snapshots but per mob.
        # Essentially, it changes how far an entity can be away from a player, until it stops being updated (e.g. moving).
        # Module that allows you to configure the maximum amount of entities a specific entity or block can collide with.
        # Controls whether any exploit patches are applied.
        # If there are issues with any specific exploits, please test in the exploit category first,
        # before disabling all exploits with this toggle.
        # Allows configuring Vanilla movement and speed checks
        # Use real (wall) time instead of ticks as much as possible
        # Controls block range and tick rate of tileentities.
        # Use with caution as this can break intended functionality.
        # Module to run Aikar's Timings, profile your server performance and get a sharable web result.
        # Can be used to disable some parts of the tracking.
    # Configuration options related to minecraft's movement checks, that can be enabled or disabled.
    movement-checks {
        # Controls whether the 'player/entity moved wrongly!' check will be enforced
        # Controls whether the 'player moved too quickly!' check will be enforced
        # Controls whether the 'vehicle of player moved too quickly!' check will be enforced
    # Configuration options related to sponge provided performance optimizations.
    optimizations {
        # Runs lighting updates asynchronously.
        async-lighting {
            # If 'true', lighting updates are run asynchronously.
            # The amount of threads to dedicate for asynchronous lighting updates. (Default: 2)
        # Caches tameable entities owners to avoid constant lookups against data watchers.
        # If mods cause issues, disable this.
        # Occasionally, some built in advancements, recipes, etc. can fail to deserialize properly
        # which ends up potentially spamming the server log and the original provider of the failing content
        # is not able to fix them. This provides an option to suppress the exceptions printing out in the log.
        # In vanilla, pathfinding may result in loading chunks.
        # You can disable that here, which may result in a
        # performance improvement. This may not work well
        # with mods.
        # In vanilla, ray tracing may result in loading chunks.
        # You can disable that here, which may result in a
        # performance improvement. This may not work well
        # with mods.
        # If 'true', block item drops are pre-processed to avoid
        # having to spawn extra entities that will be merged post spawning.
        # Usually, Sponge is smart enough to determine when to attempt an item pre-merge and when not to,
        # however, in certain cases, some mods rely on items not being pre-merged and actually spawned,
        # in which case, the items will flow right through without being merged.
        # Uses theosib's redstone algorithms to completely overhaul the way redstone works.
        eigen-redstone {
            # If 'true', uses theosib's redstone implementation which improves performance.
            # See and
            # for more information.
            # Note: We cannot guarantee compatibility with mods. Use at your discretion.
            # If 'true', restores the vanilla algorithm for computing wire power levels when powering off.
            # If 'true', restores the vanilla algorithm for propagating redstone wire changes.
        # If 'true', provides a fix for possible leaks through
        # Minecraft's enchantment helper code that can leak
        # entity and world references without much interaction
        # Forge native (so when running SpongeForge implementation)
        # has a similar patch, but Sponge's patch works a little harder
        # at it, but Vanilla (SpongeVanilla implementation) does NOT
        # have any of the patch, leading to the recommendation that this
        # patch is enabled "for sure" when using SpongeVanilla implementation.
        # See for more information.
        # If 'true', allows for Sponge to make better assumptinos on single threaded
        # operations with relation to various checks for server threaded operations.
        # This is default to true due to Sponge being able to precisely inject when
        # the server thread is available. This should make an already fast operation
        # much faster for better thread checks to ensure stability of sponge's systems.
        # If 'true', re-writes the incredibly inefficient Vanilla Map code.
        # This yields enormous performance enhancements when using many maps,
        # but has a tiny chance of breaking mods that invasively modify Vanilla.
        # It is strongly reccomended to keep this on, unless explicitly advised otherwise by a Sponge developer
        # Based on Aikar's optimizations of Hoppers, setting this to 'true'
        # will allow for hoppers to save performing server -> client updates when transferring items.
        # Because hoppers can transfer items multiple times per tick, these updates can get costly on the server,
        # with little to no benefit to the client. Because of the nature of the change,
        # the default will be 'false' due to the inability to pre-emptively
        # foretell whether mod compatibility will fail with these changes or not.
        # Refer to:
        # for more details.
        # If 'true', uses Panda4494's redstone implementation which improves performance.
        # See for more information.
        # Note: This optimization has a few issues which are explained in the bug report.
        # We strongly recommend using eigen redstone over this implementation as this will
        # be removed in a future release.
        # Handles structures that are saved to disk. Certain structures can take up large amounts
        # of disk space for very large maps and the data for these structures is only needed while the
        # world around them is generating. Disabling saving of these structures can save disk space and
        # time during saves if your world is already fully generated.
        # Warning: disabling structure saving will break the vanilla locate command.
        structure-saving {
            # If 'true', newly discovered structures will be added to this config with a default value of 'true'.
            # This is useful for finding out potentially what structures are being saved from various mods,
            # and allowing those structures to be selectively disabled.
            # Global switch to enable sponge's changes to the structure saving mechansim.
            # By default, this option is disabled, i.e. saving structures is not affected.
            # If you want to prevent that a certain "named" structure is saved to the world's folder,
            # you have to enable this module/setting and disable the structure in the further settings.
            # An example of a structure that is costly and somewhat irrelevant is 'mineshaft',
            # as they build and save several structures even after the mine shafts have been completely generated.
            # However, this has the disadvantage that these structures may no longer be locatable by some mods.
            # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
            mods {
                minecraft {
                    # Global flag, whether this mod's structures will be saved.
                    # If 'false', this mod will never save its structures.
                    # If 'true', it will check the 'structureList' for disabled structures.
                    # The configuration for each struture.
                    # A value of 'false' prevents that struture from being saved.
                    # Entries that are either missing in this list or have the value 'true' will still be saved,
                    # unless the structure saving of the mod is globally disabled.
                    structures {
        # Vanilla performs a lot of is area loaded checks during entity collision calculations with blocks,
        # and because these calculations require fetching the chunks to see if they are loaded,
        # before getting the block states from those chunks, there can be some small performance
        # increase by checking the entity's owned active chunk it may currently reside in.
        # Essentially, instead of asking the world if those chunks are loaded, the entity
        # would know whether it's chunks are loaded and that neighbor's chunks are loaded.
    # Configuration options related to permissions and permission handling
    permission {
        # If 'true', Sponge plugins will be used to handle permissions rather than any Forge mod
    # Configuration options related to tracking player interactions with blocks
    player-block-tracker {
        # Block IDs that will be blacklisted for player block placement tracking.
        # If 'true', adds player tracking support for block positions.
        # Note: This should only be disabled if you do not care who caused a block to change.
    # Used to control spawn limits around players.
    # Note: The radius uses the lower value of mob spawn range and server's view distance.
    spawner {
        # The number of ambients the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.
        # The number of animals the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.
        # The number of aquatics the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.
        # The number of monsters the spawner can potentially spawn around a player.
        # The ambient spawning tick rate. Default: 400
        # The animal spawning tick rate. Default: 400
        # The aquatic spawning tick rate. Default: 1
        # The monster spawning tick rate. Default: 1
    # Configuration options related to the Sql service, including connection aliases etc
    sql {
        # Aliases for SQL connections, in the format jdbc:protocol://[username[:password]@]host/database
        aliases {}
    # Blocks to blacklist for safe teleportation.
    teleport-helper {
        # If 'true', this blacklist will always be respected, otherwise, plugins can choose whether
        # or not to respect it.
        # Block IDs that are listed here will not be selected by Sponge's safe teleport routine as
        # a safe block for players to warp into.
        # You should only list blocks here that are incorrectly selected, solid blocks that prevent
        # movement are automatically excluded.
        # Block IDs that are listed here will not be selected by Sponge's safe
        # teleport routine as a safe floor block.
    # Configuration options related to activation ranges of tile entities.
    tileentity-activation {
        # If 'true', newly discovered tileentities will be added to this config with default settings.
        # Default activation block range used for all tileentities unless overridden.
        # Default tick rate used for all tileentities unless overridden.
        # Per-mod overrides. Refer to the minecraft default mod for example.
        mods {}
    # Module to run Aikar's Timings, profile your server performance and get a sharable web result.
    timings {
        # Enables the timing module
        # These configuration entries/paths/sections are removed before the report is sent.
        # This is to prevent credentials from being leaked unintentionally.
        # Note: The 'sponge.sql' section is always ignored
        # and thus is never sent to the webviewer regardless of this config.
        # Modulo value how often a tick should be pushed to the timings history
        # How long the list of said history can get
        # Hides the server name in the Aikar webviewer to no leak the l33t server you are running
        # Enables the verbose mode for the timings module.
    # Configuration options that will affect all worlds.
    world {
        # The auto-save tick interval used when saving global player data. (Default: 900)
        # Note: 20 ticks is equivalent to 1 second. Set to 0 to disable.
        # The auto-save tick interval used to save all loaded chunks in a world.
        # Set to 0 to disable. (Default: 900)
        # Note: 20 ticks is equivalent to 1 second.
        # The number of newly loaded chunks before triggering a forced cleanup.
        # Note: When triggered, the loaded chunk threshold will reset and start incrementing.
        # Disabled by default.
        # The tick interval used to cleanup all inactive chunks that have leaked in a world.
        # Set to 0 to disable which restores vanilla handling. (Default: 600)
        # The number of seconds to delay a chunk unload once marked inactive. (Default: 15)
        # Note: This gets reset if the chunk becomes active again.
        # If 'true', any request for a chunk not currently loaded will be denied
        # (exceptions apply for things like world gen and player movement).
        # Warning: As this is an experimental setting for performance gain,
        # if you encounter any issues then we recommend disabling it.
        # If 'true', any neighbour notification for a chunk not currently loaded will be denied
        # Warning: As this is an experimental setting for performance gain,
        # if you encounter any issues then we recommend disabling it.
        # The interval, in seconds, used by the GameProfileQueryTask to process queued GameProfile requests. (Default: 4)
        # Note: This setting should be raised if you experience the following error:
        # "The client has sent too many requests within a certain amount of time".
        # Finally, if set to 0 or less, the default interval will be used.
        # If 'true', this world will generate its spawn the moment its loaded.
        # The list of uuid's that should never perform a lookup against Mojang's session server.
        # Note: If you are using SpongeForge, make sure to enter any mod fake player's UUID to this list.
        # The defined merge radius for Item entities such that when two items are
        # within the defined radius of each other, they will attempt to merge.
        # Usually, the default radius is set to 0.5 in Vanilla, however, for performance reasons
        # 2.5 is generally acceptable.
        # Note: Increasing the radius higher will likely cause performance degradation
        # with larger amount of items as they attempt to merge and search nearby
        # areas for more items. Setting to a negative value is not supported!
        # If 'true', this worlds spawn will remain loaded with no players.
        # If 'true', natural leaf decay is allowed.
        # If 'true', this world will load on startup.
        # The maximum number of queued unloaded chunks that will be unloaded in a single tick.
        # Note: With the chunk gc enabled, this setting only applies to the ticks
        # where the gc runs (controlled by 'chunk-gc-tick-interval')
        # Note: If the maximum unloads is too low, too many chunks may remain loaded on the world
        # and increases the chance for a drop in tps. (Default: 100)
        # Specifies the radius (in chunks) of where creatures will spawn.
        # This value is capped to the current view distance setting in
        # A list of all detected portal agents used in this world.
        # In order to override, change the target world name to any other valid world.
        # Note: If world is not found, it will fallback to default.
        portal-agents {
        # If 'true', this world will allow PVP combat.
        # Override world distance per world/dimension
        # The value must be greater than or equal to 3 and less than or equal to 32
        # The server-wide view distance will be used when the value is -1.
        # If 'true', natural formation of ice and snow in supported biomes will be allowed.
        # If 'true', thunderstorms will be initiated in supported biomes.
        # If 'true', this world will be registered.
    # World Generation Modifiers to apply to the world