

Sponge follows a format of the SemVer specification in its projects. You can read about general SemVer usage at

The SpongeAPI and implementations (SpongeForge/SpongeVanilla) follow two different policies. Understanding our versions is a matter of interpreting the SemVer version string. The SpongeAPI version utilizes the Major and Minor parts in the SemVer version string while the implementations use the Major, Minor, and Patch parts.


Plugin developers create plugins for a particular SpongeAPI version, such as 7.0, 7.3, or 7.9, so the plugin works with the features provided in that specific version. Versions are incremented to reflect added, removed, or changed features. How the version number changes convey how plugins might be affected.


A change in the Major number (X.Y.Z) indicates that changes broke some APIs that were guaranteed to work in the previous version. Plugins might break with this kind of version change. For example, a plugin for version 6.9 might not run with version 7.0.


A change in the Minor number (X. Y.Z) indicates that changes added some APIs, but plugins for previous minor versions in the same major version are still guaranteed to work. For example, a plugin for version 7.3 will run with version 7.4 or 7.5. However, the opposite is not necessarily the same. A plugin for version 7.4 is not guaranteed to run with version 7.3.


The Minor number is always reset to zero when the Major number changes.

Examples of SpongeAPI version strings are spongeapi-7.1.0 and spongeapi-7.2.0.


The version string for the Sponge implementations includes the target Minecraft version as well as the SpongeAPI version. The SpongeForge implementation also specifies the Forge recommended version with which it is guaranteed to be compatible.


A change in the patch number (X.Y. Z) occurs with implementation builds. These builds contain bug fixes, performance improvements, configuration changes, and other changes not related to the API. When a patch number is only a number, this build is a recommended version. Any plugin developed for the SpongeAPI version in the string, or is compatible with that version, is guaranteed to work.


The Patch number is always reset to zero when the Minor number changes.

Examples of implementation version strings are spongevanilla-1.12.2-7.1.5 and spongeforge-1.12.2-2768-7.1.5.


Plugin developers may choose to develop their plugin for a particular implementation. The plugin's Ore page should note such decision with a tag by the version. Sponge makes no guarantee of a plugin's compatibility when marked as such.


A release which has the -SNAPSHOT label represents the next API version in development. For example, 7.2.0-SNAPSHOT means 7.2.0 is in development. Another example is 8.0.0-SNAPSHOT, which means the next major release (8.0.0) is in development. New features added in snapshots may break at any time.


If the minor version is zero (e.g., 8.0-SNAPSHOT), anything may break before it is released and plugins cannot expect stability. If the Minor version is greater than zero (e.g., 7.2-SNAPSHOT), anything up to the previous minor version is still guaranteed to work (in this case, 7.1). However, anything added since it may break and instability is likely.

When the minor and patch numbers are zero, and the -SNAPSHOT label is attached, versions are bleeding builds for testing the next version of SpongeAPI only and may break at any time.

The -SNAPSHOT label on a SpongeCommon file means the implementation is nearly complete but is still not a stable release. More importantly, Gradle determines whether or not to append the -RC{build number} to the version string by the presence of the label.

Release Candidate

Any push made to GitHub which is not a Recommended Build is a Release Candidate. It may become a recommended build after further testing. There is also the possibility that a release candidate might not work correctly.


SNAPSHOT appears in SpongeAPI and SpongeCommon version strings while RC appears in implementation version strings.