Travellin’ to another Port

If ye be launching yer vessel from the safe shores o’ yer hometown, nay be forgettin’ to run ye flag up on yon village’s kirk, so that other pirates may find ye and join the plunder-party.


Me extra special careful when forwardin’ to a new port, as ye runs the risk of random plunder should ye make a total bollocks of it.

Them vessels o’ the Minecraft line, what be includin’ Sponge, use yon port 25565 reg’lar like, with these fancy-schmancy diplomatic UDP and TCP protocols. So if ye be givin’ a different port to yer internal IPs then they shall be lost at sea and never found, ye daft lubber. Oh the woe!


Ye may’s fiddle about with yer home port by purloining the key from

Port Forwarding can be performed through your router’s administrator panel. If you do not know how to navigate to your router’s administration panel, conduct an internet search for specific instructions on port forwarding for your router. The instructions are typically different for every router.

If it is preferable to have your server online upon starting up, you may need to port forward your hardware.