Główna Klasa Pluginu
The instructions within the Sponge Documentation assume that you have prior knowledge of Java. The Sponge API provides the foundation for you to begin creating plugins for Minecraft servers powered by Sponge; however, it is up to you to be creative and make your code work! There are several free Java courses online if you have had little experience with Java.
Startowanie twojej klasy
The next step after adding the Sponge API as a dependency is creating a new class. The class can be named however you
like, and can be in any package that does not begin with org.spongepowered
. By convention, class names should be
in title case.
Oracle recommends to use your domain as your
package name, if you own a domain. However, in the event that you do not own a domain, a common practice is to use an
email address (such as com.gmail.username.project
) or an open-source repository
(such as io.github.username.project
After creating your main class, the Plugin annotation must be affixed to it. This annotation allows Sponge to easily find your main plugin class when your plugin is loaded. An example usage is illustrated below.
package io.github.username.project;
import org.spongepowered.api.plugin.Plugin;
@Plugin(id = "exampleplugin", name = "Example Plugin", version = "1.0")
public class ExamplePlugin {
Odnieś się do Identyfikatory Pluginów, jeśli jeszcze nie wybrałeś ID swojego pluginu.
Inicializacja Twojej wtyczki
Plugins are loaded before the game and the world(s). This leaves a specific timeframe when your plugin should begin interacting with the game, such as registering commands or events.
Your plugin can listen for particular events, called state events, to be notified about changes in the state of the
game. In the example below, onServerStart()
is called when the GameStartedServerEvent occurs; take note
of the Listener annotation before the method.
import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.game.state.GameStartedServerEvent;
@Plugin(id = "exampleplugin", name = "Example Plugin", version = "1.0")
public class ExamplePlugin {
public void onServerStart(GameStartedServerEvent event) {
// Hey! The server has started!
// Try instantiating your logger in here.
// (There's a guide for that)
The Sponge documentation provides a guide with more information on events (see Wydarzenia). Normally, in addition
to prefixing event-handler methods with @Listener
, you must also register your object with Sponge’s event bus.
However, your main plugin class is registered automatically.
Zdarzenia stanu
It may also be desirable to listen for other state events, particularly the GameStoppingServerEvent
. There are two
categories of state events:
Inicjalizacja: Te zdarzenia mają miejsce, kiedy Sponge i pluginy są w trakcie ładowania.
Running: These events occur when the game and world are loading.
For information regarding when each state event occurs, see the plugin lifecycle documentation.