Podział strony serwisu


For a basic understanding of services, make sure you read Usługi first.

The PaginationService acts as a way to split up content into discrete pages. The service provides a PaginationList.Builder with which you can specify attributes such as title, contents, header, and padding.

Pagination List Builder

First obtain an instance of a PaginationList.Builder:

import org.spongepowered.api.service.pagination.PaginationList;

PaginationList.Builder builder = PaginationList.builder();

Istnieją dwa sposoby na określanie zawartości list stronicowanych:

  • Z Iterable<Text>

import org.spongepowered.api.text.Text;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

List<Text> contents = new ArrayList<>();
contents.add(Text.of("Item 1"));
contents.add(Text.of("Item 2"));
contents.add(Text.of("Item 3"));



If the Iterable is a List, then bidirectional navigation is supported. Otherwise, only forwards navigation is supported.

  • Z tablicą Texts

builder.contents(Text.of("Item 1"), Text.of("Item 2"), Text.of("Item 3"));

You can also specify various other components of a paginated list, such as a title, header, footer, and padding. The diagram below shows which component is displayed in each part of the paginated list. In the following diagram, the padding string is shown as the letter p.

pppppppppppppppppppppppp Title pppppppppppppppppppppppp
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3
ppppppppppppppppppppppp < 2/3 > ppppppppppppppppppppppp

To achieve the preceding output, we might use the following builder pattern:

    .contents(Text.of("Item 1"), Text.of("Item 2"), Text.of("Item 3"))


With the exception of contents, all components of the paginated list are optional. However, a title is strongly recommended.

Finally, to send the paginated list to a MessageReceiver, use PaginationList.Builder#sendTo(MessageReceiver).

And that’s it! To recap, a fully functional paginated list could be generated and sent to a previously defined msgReceiver using the following code:

    .contents(Text.of("Item 1"), Text.of("Item 2"), Text.of("Item 3"))