Sponge’un tarihi
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Projenin tarihi
Sponge was founded as a better alternative to the APIs that were available as of September 2014. The Sponge Personel consists of many people from different Communities, e.g. Spout/Spoutcraft, Forge, Cauldron and a few others.
Bukkit ve Couldron’un gelistirmesi ani bir sona erdiginde Minecraft toplulugu soktaydi. Yukarida ismi gecen topluluklara mensup bazi gelistiriciler Esper.NET üzerinde #nextstep’te bir araya geldi ve minecraft modlamanin gelecegini masaya yatirdi. Ve Craftbukkit deposunun (Couldron da dahil) tepetaklak oldugu o günlerde karara varildi ki yeni bir API icin kesinlikle talep vardi.
- Yeni API ile hayata gecirilmesi arzu edilen hedefler:
minecraft güncellemeri boyunca saglamlik ve istikrar
kullanim kolayligi
mojang son kullanici lisans anlasmasi ile uyarlilik
DMCA (Digital Millenium Coypright Act) kararlarina karsi korunma
While the goals were mostly clear, the route to be taken was not. The soon-to-be Project was still nameless too. The first mention of Sponge as the projects name was on Sept, 6th by Firehead94. Obviously, the name stuck.
The initial commit to SpongeAPI and SpongeForge was made on September 7th and 8th, 2014 by one of the Sponge Project leaders, Zidane. This was the beginning of the development of SpongeAPI and SpongeForge (named Sponge at the time).
On September 7th, 2014 the initial commit to Granite, an API based upon Vanilla Minecraft was made. Granite, originally started as an independent project, was planned to implement its own API and SpongeAPI. Granite and SpongeForge coexisted until April 20th, 2015.
The development of SpongeForge and the API gained momentum leading to a first API release on December 1st, 2014. However, this version was far from feature complete and an API-only release, meaning that there was no official implementation available at that time.
26 Aralik 2014’te Granite ekibi Granite’i sadece SpongeAPI kullanimi ile sinirlama karari aldi. Bu Granite’i Vanilla Minecraft icin olan ilk gayriresmi Sponge uygulamasi yapti. 26 Mart’ta Granite takimi en sonunda Sponge ekibine katildi ve ilk resmi Vanilla Minecraft uygulamasi olan Granite SpongeVanilla adini aldi. Bir ay sonrasinda ise SpongeForge ve Granite kod tabanlarinin birlesmesi SpongeCommon’da basladi. Uygulama özelinde kullanilan kodlar SpongeVanilla’da ve SpongeForge’da kalirken, SpongeCommon iki uygulama arasinda paylasilan tüm kodlarin bir arada tutulmasi amaciyla yaratildi.
21 Nisan 2015’te SpongeAPI 2.0 sonunda yayinlanmisti. 25 Nisan 2015’te SpongeForge’un gelistirme bünyeleri (#428, Inspired Wallaroo) nihayetinde hazir hale getirildi. SpongeVanilla’nin ilk alfa bünyesi(DEV#17) 13 Eylül 2015’te yayinlandi.
SpongeAPI 3.0, 31 Aralik 2015’te, beta süreclerine giren SpongeForge(#1000) ve SpongeVanilla (#129) ile birlikte yayinlandi.
Maskotumut Spongie
Spongie bizim dost canlisi, yardimsever ve biraz da sulugöz arkadasimiz. Onu sakin aglatmayin cünkü o fazlaca hassas bir kisi.
Spongie’nin tarihi
Spongie first appeared in #Sponge on Esper.NET around September 2014. She was created and posted by DragonsPainter. Strad, another user, felt that Spongie would look better with a moogle-like antenna, a Forge furnace instead of a Cauldron and replaced the Spigot with Spout. An anonymous user then removed all labels and introduced her as the icon and background logo for the Sponge reddit section.
Spongie’nin bu eski versiyonu ne yazik ki vektör grafigi olarak mevcut degil. Bundandir ki Sponge tayfasi yeni bir vektörel version yaratmaya karar verdi. Iki yeni taslak paylasildi State of Spongie. Su anda kullanilan kaynaklar ise here.