Plugin Lifecycle

During initialization, refresh and shutdown of the game, server and world, Sponge has a series of lifecycle events that plugins can listen to such that they can act accordingly. All lifecycle events are in the org.spongepowered.api.event.lifecycle package.


All lifecycle events assume that the game is currently working and no errors have occurred. Some events may not fire if the game crashes or otherwise terminates abnormally, particularly any event that concerns itself with ending something. Your plugins should therefore not rely on these events to finalize and store any important state.

Registration Lifecycle Events

At various points in the lifecycle of the game, Sponge will fire registration events to prompt plugins to perform specific tasks. These registration requests may come at any time, even during normal game play if, for example, a datapack reload is required. It is important that plugins that perform actions prompted by such lifecycle events listen to these events.

Some of the important registration events for most plugins are:

There are other registration events that plugins may be interested in, see the org.spongepowered.api.event.lifecycle package in the javadocs.

Game Lifecycle Events

In Sponge, the Game is a representation of the entire Minecraft process – effectively from the point Minecraft starts to when the process terminates. As a result, it can only start once and only stop once, and will start before any Engines start, and will terminate after all Engines stop. As a result, the following events will fire at most once during the game’s lifetime:

  • LoadedGameEvent will fire when the game itself has loaded and is ready to start loading engines (but importantly, none have yet started to load). All plugins have been loaded and inter-plugin communication should be possible, as well as any game-scoped registries.

  • StoppedGameEvent will fire when the game has shut down all engines and is about to terminate. No engines are available. May not fire if the game terminates abnormally.

Engine Lifecycle Events

Unlike the Game, Engines may startup and shutdown multiple times during a game’s lifetime. There may also be multiple engines running at the same time. For example, for a singleplayer world, there will be a Client and a Server running concurrently.

The EngineLifecycleEvent is the base event for the engine lifecycle and is generic, bound to the type of Engine it is acting for. Listeners to any sub event must also specify the engine in the generic when the sub event requires it, for example, for the StartingEngineEvent on the Server, you would write your listener like this:

import org.spongepowered.api.Server
import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener
import org.spongepowered.api.event.lifecycle.StartingEngineEvent

public void onServerStarting(final StartingEngineEvent<Server> event) {
    // ...

The following events run during the engine lifecycle:

  • StartingEngineEvent will fire when the specified Engine is starting. Nothing about this engine has initialized at this point, worlds will not exist and the engine scoped registry will not be ready at this point.

  • StartedEngineEvent will fire when the specified Engine has completed initialization. Specifically, this means that the registry has been populated and in the case of the server engine, worlds have been created.

  • StoppingEngineEvent will fire when the engine has been told to shutdown and is about to shut down everything it is responsible for. May not fire if the game terminates abnormally.

Refresh Events

The RefreshGameEvent may be fired in response to a user requesting that all configuration be refreshed. Plugins should listen to this event and reload their configuration in response.