The BanService is a service built into SpongeAPI that adds the functionality for you to ban or pardon
users in your plugin. The BanService
provides several methods to do things such as banning users, pardoning users,
or even getting a Ban and the information on the Ban
For a basic understanding of services, make sure you read Tjenester first.
Getting the BanService
You will need to get the BanService
to actually add bans to the server. Fortunately, this can be done similarly to
other services in SpongeAPI:
import org.spongepowered.api.Sponge;
import org.spongepowered.api.service.ban.BanService;
BanService service = Sponge.serviceManager().provide(BanService.class).get();
Now with the BanService
, we can perform additional operations. For example, if we want to check if a provided
User is already banned, we can use the BanService#isBanned(GameProfile) method. Or perhaps if we
wanted to get information on a ban from a User
, we can use the BanService#getBanFor(GameProfile) method.
An example of this is shown below:
import java.util.Optional;
import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;
import org.spongepowered.api.entity.living.player.User;
import org.spongepowered.api.util.ban.Ban;
if (service.isBanned(user.getProfile())) {
CompletableFuture<Optional<Ban.Profile>> optionalBanFuture = service.find(player.getProfile());
optionalBanFuture.thenAccept(optionalBan -> {
if (optionalBan.isPresent()) {
Ban.Profile profileBan = optionalBan.get();
Optional<Component> optionalReason = profileBan.getReason();
if (optionalReason.isPresent()) {
Component banReason = optionalReason.get();
Creating a Ban
So now we can obtain the BanService
and the information on a Ban
, but what if we wanted to create our own bans?
We can use a Ban.Builder to create our own Ban
. To get a Ban.Builder
, simply call the
Ban#builder() method. Using our builder, we can specify things such as the type of the ban, the reason for
the ban, or the User
we wish to ban. An example of all of these things is shown below:
import org.spongepowered.api.util.ban.BanTypes;
Ban ban = Ban.builder().type(BanTypes.PROFILE).profile(user.getProfile())
.reason(Component.text("The Sponge Council has Spoken!")).build();
Alternatively, you can specify an ip ban on an online player:
Ban ban = Ban.builder().type(BanTypes.IP)
.reason(Component.text("The Sponge Council has Spoken!")).build();
Note that if you wish to create a simple, indefinite ban on a User
, you can use the Ban#of(GameProfile)
method or the Ban#of(GameProfile, Component) method to quickly construct a ban.
Adding a Ban
Now that we have created our ban, we can now register it to be used in Sponge. Using our BanService
from before, we
can use the BanService#addBan(Ban) method to accomplish this. Note that adding a ban will remove any
previously existing ban.
Now let’s say we wanted to remove a ban from a user. We can use the BanService#pardon(GameProfile) method. This method returns a boolean, which specifies if the user had a ban in place previously.
Putting it All Together
We can create a Ban
using a Ban.Builder
that is obtained using the Ban#builder()
method. We can specify
things such as the type, the User
to be banned, or the reason for the ban. We then simply grab our BanService
and use it to add our Ban
. Here is the full code for doing this:
BanService service = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(BanService.class).get();
Ban ban = Ban.builder().type(BanTypes.PROFILE).profile(user.getProfile())
.reason(Component.text("The Sponge Council has Spoken!")).build();