Mod 兼容

又名:“我装了 SpongeForge,但为什么我的服务器崩溃了?”

SpongeForge 尽全力保证兼容其他 Mod。然而,面对 Mod 开发者们充满无限可能的代码,SpongeForge 其实很难实现这个目标。某些 Mod 在安装了 SpongeForge 后就不能工作,有些只需修改配置文件或使用其他版本就可以兼容,但大多数 Mod 是能和 SpongeForge 在一起相安无事的。有些时候你还能拿到一些告诉你哪里出错了的诊断信息,然而更常见的画风其实是“不知道什么出错了”。

为了帮你搞清楚哪是哪,并给出可能的解决方案,我们准备了一份“和 SpongeForge 可能有冲突”的 Mod 列表。请注意,尽管我们经常更新这份列表,但 Mod 可能更新得比我们还快,这份列表不一定反映最新情况。你可以在 Discord 或 GitHub 上告诉我们该更新了。


旧版 Mixin

First, a general note: If there is a warning about 「old mixins」 in the server log, the first step you should attempt is to rename the SpongeForge file, to make it first in the mod loading order. This can usually be done by prefixing the SpongeForge jar file name with aaa_, giving a filename like aaa_spongeforge-1.16.5-36.2.5-8.1.0-RC1312. This makes it load the Sponge version of Mixin first, and can resolve many problems in one step.

Forge Permissions

Some mods may register their own permissions with Forge. These cannot be tracked by mods, including SpongeForge due to a bug that was fixed in December 2021 (after forge stopped updating 1.16.5) so permissions plugins will not be able to use these permissions.


Alex’s Mobs

All The Mods 6

Applied Energistics 2

Bountiful Baubles

Conquest Reforged

Create Mod


Physics Mod

Progressive Bosses

Random Patches

Tinkers』 Construct

Twilight Forest

Valkyrien Skies

World Edit