The Structure of the Sponge Project
This documentation refers to an outdated SpongeAPI version and is no longer actively maintained. While the code examples still work for that API version, the policies, guidelines, and some links may have changed. Please refer to the latest version of the documentation for those.
The Sponge Project consists of different subprojects, hosted in various repositories on GitHub. Here’s a short overview before going into detail:
Project |
Description |
What is done in the repository? |
The API itself |
Development of the API itself |
A SpongeAPI implementation built on top of Forge |
Development of the parts of SpongeForge which rely on Forge |
A SpongeAPI implementation built directly on top of Vanilla Minecraft |
Development of the Vanilla Counterpart of the SpongeForge repository |
The shared code between SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla |
Development of all code which is shared between SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla |
The tool used to inject the implementations into the underlying code structure |
Development of our solution to hook Sponge into the Minecraft server |
The official SpongeProject Documentation |
Expanding, fixing and writing the SpongeDocs |
The website for the SpongeProject |
Development of our website |
Plugin hosting solution |
Development of our plugin hosting solution |
SpongeCommon, SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla
The SpongeCommon repository is the base which contains all code which is shared between the SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla implementation. The SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla repositories contain all code which can’t be shared between them, as Forge requires some Forge specific things which won’t work on Vanilla and vice versa.
When you refer to the SpongeForge implementation, you’re basically talking about everything contained in the SpongeCommon and SpongeForge repositories. The same applies for SpongeVanilla and SpongeCommon. This is the reason why building SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla from the repository without including SpongeCommon won’t work.
SpongeHome is the SpongeProject’s website. It’s written in Golang, using the go-macaron library. It uses SCSS as it’s CSS preprocessor.
Ore is our very own plugin hosting solution. It’s written in Scala, based on the Play Framework and of course open-source!
How everything is tied together
The image shows the various parts of the Sponge Implementations and how they interact with each other and their dependencies. On the left side is a typical SpongeForge setup with some SpongeAPI plugins, a Forge mod and a hybrid which uses Forge (as a mod) and Sponge (as a plugin) to interact. On the right side there’s a typical SpongeVanilla setup. You’ll notice that SpongeVanilla doesn’t support Forge mods or the hybrid, because SpongeVanilla is missing the Forge functionality: