Installere SpongeVanilla

SpongeVanilla is a vanilla implementation of the Sponge API as a stand-alone server.


SpongeVanilla is an implementation of the Sponge API that is created by patching the vanilla Minecraft server. This means it is a stand-alone server, and does not utilise nor require Minecraft Forge or Forge mod loader (FML). SpongeVanilla is being developed in parallel to the Forge version of Sponge, as an alternative platform for users who do not want to run a Forge server. Originally started as an independent project and named Granite, by developers AzureusNation and VoltaSalt, the SpongeVanilla team officially joined the Sponge development team in March 2015.


Grab your copy of Sponge Vanilla here.

Installere SpongeVanilla


Hvis du bruker (eller planlegger å bruke) en vert for spillservere, kan det hende de har et kontrollpanel som kan installere Sponge for deg.


When using the Mojang installer, Mojang makes use of their own Java version and not the one you installed on your system. The installer currently ships with Java 1.8.0_25 for Windows and 1.8.0_60 for macOS. Note that Sponge requires at least 1.8.0_40 or above to run properly. You can grab that Launcher on the official Minecraft download page. Please make sure to configure it to use an up to date version of Java. As an alternative you can download a Launcher without an (outdated) Java from here. Read our documentation on how to install and configure Java.

SpongeVanilla fungerer kun som en frittstående server.

  1. Last ned SpongeVanilla.jar fra Sponge sitt nettsted.

  2. Kjør den via kommandolinjen: java -jar spongevanilla-whatever.jar

  3. Sett opp Portvideresending for å tillate andre å koble til.


Ikke dobbeltklikk .jar-filen, da dette vil starte serveren uten noe vindu som kan kontrollere den!