
Logs are an essential part when it comes to debugging your server and figuring what went wrong. This page will show some basic logging examples and will try to explain what you can do to fix your issues, when encountering them. If you’re looking for details about specific mods that can cause problems with SpongeForge, then we recommend checking the Mod-Kompatibilität page first.


Whenever you encounter a crash or warning make sure you set SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla up correctly. Here’s a short checklist to help you out. If you’re unsure on how to acquire the information needed, have a look at the Logdateien page. It explains how you get the desired answers out of your log files.

Ist Java 8 installiert und wird es von Sponge genutzt?

Sponge benötigt Java 8 um korrekt zu arbeiten. Das Nutzen von Java 7 (oder älter) wird in einem Crash resultieren.

Are there any other coremods installed?

Some coremods modify Forge or Minecraft in a way that makes it impossible to run SpongeForge properly. If you have coremods installed and Sponge crashes, try to remove them and test again. Please report any incompatible coremods on GitHub. This allows staff to solve these issues as soon as possible.

Ist jedes Plugin das du benutzt für deine Sponge Version programmiert?

Die SpongeAPI unterliegt Veränderungen. Wenn du versuchst ein älteres Plugin auf der neuesten Sponge Version zu betreiben und es tritt ein Absturz auf, versuche es mit einer älteren Sponge Version oder kontaktiere den Plugin Author um eine aktualisierte Version zu bekommen. Wenn du auf einer älteren Sponge Version bist und ein aktuelles Plugin stürzt ab, aktualisiere erst Sponge. Kontaktiere den Plugin Author, falls das das PRoblem nicht behebt.

Ein fehlerhaftes Plugin erkennen

Falls das Problem weiter besteht, versuche alle Plugins zu entfernen und füge sie Stück für Stück erneut hinzu. Starte den Server dabei nach jedem hinzugefügten Plugin neu.

Wenn du immernoch unsicher bist was genau passiert und vorallem warum Sponge abstürzt, schau dir deinen Absturzbericht (engl. crashlog) an. Einige häufige Abstürze und Lösungen sind hier aufgeführt.


If you encounter a bug it is usually a good idea to create a backup first, then try to reproduce it, then narrow it down by removing mods. Only then should you report the error. If the error occurs in the absence of Sponge plugins, try removing SpongeForge. If the error persists its not related to Sponge. Its usually a good idea to report bugs to the mod authors first as they have good knowledge of the parts of code they are working with. However you can always contact us for questions. For more information see Fehler Melden.

Allgemeine Warnungen

Eine übliche Quelle von Störungen und Fehlern ist ein Versionskonflikt zwischen SpongeForge und Forge oder SpongeForge und seinen Plugins. Als erstes werden wir einen Blick auf allgemeine Warnungen die Forge bei einem Absturz ausgibt werfen:

WARNING: coremods are present:
   SpongeForge (sponge-1.8-1521-2.1DEV-750.jar)
Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge

Das ist kein Fehler, sondern nur eine Warnung. Forge teilt dir mit das ein Coremod (hier: SpongeForge) installiert ist. Forge empfiehlt dir dich bei einem Absturz zuerst an den Entwickler des Coremod (hier: Sponge) zu wenden, bevor du die Forge Entwickler um Hilfe bittest. Diese Meldung ist also nichts, worum du dir vorerst Gedanken machen musst.

Häufige Fehler

Hier aufgelistet sind einige häufige Fehlermeldungen und Gründe warum sie auftreten können.


Wenn du einen Absturz, Fehler oder sonstige Probleme hast, die nicht hier gelistet sind, bitte melde sie entweder in den Sponge Foren oder auf GitHub. Das wird anderen Benutzern helfen, die die gleichen Probleme haben.

Differierende Versionen zwischen SpongeForge und Forge

[12:59:21] [main/ERROR] [mixin/]: @Mixin target$NeighborNotifyEvent was not found mixins.forge.core.json:event.block.MixinEventNotifyNeighborBlock

This is a common crash when you try to run SpongeForge on the wrong Forge build. Note that the target/Mixin can vary. Always match Forge against SpongeForge! If you’re unsure which version of Forge is required and you already got your SpongeForge build, take a look at the SpongeForge section of Die Bedeutung des Dateinamens.

Andere häufige Fehler

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.spongepowered.api.event.state.ServerStartedEvent
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

Der erste Fehler zeigt dir, das eine Klasse fehlt, der zweite Fehler ist eine NullPointer Exception, die anzeigt, das das Plugin das du nutzen möchtest versucht auf einen fehlenden Parameter zuzugreifen. Das passiert üblicherweise wenn du versuchst ein älteres Plugin auf einer neueren SpongeForge oder SpongeVanilla Version (oder andersrum) zum Laufen zu bekommen.

java.lang.AbstractMethodError: net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayerMP.getTabList()Lorg/spongepowered/api/entity/living/player/tab/TabList;
at (...)

Ein AbstractMethodError tritt auf, wenn ein Plugin versucht auf Funktionen vom Sponge zuzugreifen, die noch nicht fertiggestellt sind. Bittte prüfe ob du die neueste Version von Sponge einsetzt und update sie, falls das nicht der Fall ist. Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, melde es entweder auf unserem Issuetracker, in unseren Foren oder im IRC. Du kannst uns außerdem Bitten die Umsetzung des fehlenden Features schnellstmöglich zu erledigen.

[Server thread/INFO]: Starting minecraft server version 1.8
[Server thread/ERROR]: Encountered an unexpected exception
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/spongepowered/api/event/game/state/GameStartingServerEvent


Das vollständige Beispiel kannst du hier rerunterladen: SpongeForge 575 crashlog with a plugin built against build 750

A NoClassDefFoundError occurs when the plugin tries to access a class that isn’t on the classpath. This happens when the API got adjusted or refactored lately and you’re trying to run an older plugin on a newer build of Sponge and vice versa. Always try to use the correct version! Either ask the Plugin author which Sponge version he builds against or try updating/downgrading your SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla to solve this.

Exceptions at Runtime

There are two kinds of errors that may occur on modded servers:

  • Plugin internal errors, such as NullPointerExceptions during command execution. These errors are logged using the standard Java error handler.

  • Errors during the ticking of worlds or entities. Sponge prints out more structured errors to provide as much information as possible.

Before we look into the details of what caused the exception, make sure that you read all of the error report. Sometimes the error is explained in the error report itself (or a few lines above or below it); sometimes it is indicated by a warning during startup.

The following stacktrace shows an example of this special handling (excluding the line prefix with time and severity):

/*                                           Exception occurred during a PhaseState                                           */
/* Sponge's tracking system makes a best effort to not throw exceptions randomly                                              */
/* but sometimes it is inevitable. In most cases, something else triggered this                                               */
/* exception and Sponge prevented a crash by catching it. The following stacktrace                                            */
/* can be used to help pinpoint the cause.                                                                                    */
/* The PhaseState having an exception: EntityTickPhase                                                                        */
/* The PhaseContext:                                                                                                          */
/*     - Owner: EntityPlayerMP['SomePlayer'/270, l='world', x=119,62, y=82,00, z=260,21]                                      */
/*     - Source: EntityCreeper['Creeper'/346, l='world', x=119,50, y=82,00, z=258,50]                                         */
/*     - CapturedBlockPosition: CaptureBlockPos{pos=null, world=Optional.empty}                                               */
/* org.spongepowered.asm.util.PrettyPrinter@56ec63ef                                                                          */
/* StackTrace:                                                                                                                */
/* java.lang.NullPointerException: null                                                                                       */
/*     net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos.<init>(SourceFile:41)                                                                 */
/*     net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNavigateGround.func_75494_a(SourceFile:73)                                               */
/*     net.minecraft.pathfinding.PathNavigate.func_75497_a(SourceFile:147)                                                    */
/*     com.example.extendedaiplugin.BrokenAITask.start(                                                  */
/* */
/*                                                     */
/*     net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70626_be(                                                 */
/*     net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70636_d(                                         */
/*     net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70636_d(                                                  */
/*                                                 */
/*     net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase.func_70071_h_(                                        */
/*     net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.func_70071_h_(                                                 */
/*                                                */
/*                                       */
/*     org.spongepowered.common.event.tracking.TrackingUtil.tickEntity(                                 */
/*$onCallEntityUpdate$zlo000(                              */
/*                                                                */
/*                                                     */
/*                                                                */
/*                                                                */
/*                                                    */
/*     net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q(                                            */
/*     net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q(                                  */
/*     net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(                                            */
/*                                                     */
/* Source)                                                                                   */
/*  Phases Remaining:                                                                                                         */
/*                                                                                                                            */
/* Minecraft : 1.12.2                                                                                                         */
/* SpongeAPI : 7.1.0-SNAPSHOT-7105dfc                                                                                         */
/* SpongeForge : 1.12.2-2705-7.1.0-BETA-3361                                                                                  */
/* Minecraft Forge :                                                                                             */

This stacktrace contains the most important version numbers, as well some information about the phase the server was in. In this case a NullPointerException has been thrown during EntityTickPhase. At this point it’s important to check which plugins are involved with the crash. This requires some research as you have to match the package names with mod names; checking the Caused by blocks may also help.

  • java classes can be ignored during the error search.

  • net.minecraft is the vanilla Minecraft code. If only these elements are present, it’s either a Minecraft bug or a coremod.

  • org.spongepowered is from Sponge itself, having only these and Minecraft packages present usually indicates a Sponge bug (or another coremod being present).

  • Other classes have to be mapped to their mods by hand. In this case there is this entry com.example.extendedaiplugin; Java projects are usually named following this format groupId.groupId.artifactId. The group is usually a domain backwards; in this case, followed by the name of the project also known as artifact, for more information on package naming in Java you can refer to its official docs. This plugin is probably called extendedaiplugin, when in doubt, searching the web for the full package name can help.


Be careful when coremods are present. It can mean that, although a Minecraft class was reported as the cause, it does not mean the code executed is necessarily part of the Minecraft source, and could have been added by a third party. You can check your logs for loaded coremods and potentially find the culprit by removing them one by one. Be warned the issue may only occur when certain coremods are loaded at the same time.