Hozzájárulás a Sponge munkájához

Ez a szakasz bemutatja, hogyan kell belebonyolódni Sponge.

What are the projects I can help with?

The Sponge Project and its parts are maintained on GitHub. If you’re unfamiliar with GitHub and the tool git, then take a look at How to Git(Hub) first. A read of our Hozzájárulási útmutató is strongly advised before starting any work. There are several projects we’re currently maintaining:

  • SpongeAPI

  • SpongeForge

  • SpongeVanilla

  • SpongeCommon

  • Mixin

  • SpongeDocs

  • Érc

If you want to know more about the structure of the project and how everything is tied together, head over to The Structure of the Sponge Project.

Milyen segítségre van szüksége?

Basic contributions

Ezt meg lehet tenni, amelyet szinte mindenki. Nem kell tudni, hogy egy programozási nyelv, mint a Java, Python, hogy:

  • test SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla and report bugs or usage quirks

  • jelentés, illetve azt az esetleges hibák, meghibásodások vagy hibát találsz

  • post suggestions or idea you have which would make Sponge better

Reporting bugs best via our GitHub repositories, suggestions fit onto our forums. Just have a look at our Bug Reporting page for further instructions.

Intermediate Contributions

You should at least have basic knowledge of Java, Python or reST to help out on the following tasks:

The development of the SpongeAPI, SpongeForge, SpongeVanilla and Ore as well as the SpongeDocs is done in several repositories hosted on GitHub.

Advanced Contributions

And finally, these are the most difficult things you can help out with. Advanced knowledge of Java, Minecraft and at least basic knowledge of the SpongeAPI and its structure is strongly advised before attempting to help out with:
