Menginstalasi Java

Java is needed to run Sponge and Minecraft: Java Edition. You most likely already have Java, but you may need to update it.

SpongeAPI 7 and 8 requires Java 8 (specifically 1.8.0_20 or above). SpongeAPI 8 will also run on later versions of Java, we recommend Java 17 as the latest LTS version.

Menginstalasi Java

If you have Windows or macOS for your computer, you can download builds of OpenJDK from Adoptium here. Builds of Java 8, 11 and 17 are all available here.

Anda mungkin harus mengkonfigurasi jalur ke JRE/JDK pada anda

  • mengakses menggunakan Profil (Pilihan Lanjutan) -> <Your Profile>-> Java-Bisa dijalankan (.../java.exe)

  • menggunakan peladen baik dengan variable JALUR atau menggunakan jalur penuh ke java anda yang bisa di jalankan

32-bit vs. 64-bit

If your computer supports it, you should use 64-bit versions of Java whenever possible. Most modern computers will be running 64-bit operating systems. The Adoptium site linked above should detect what you're running and offer the correct download.

Hal ini juga memungkinkan untuk melihat ini pada sistem informasi jendela.

  • Untuk Windows: Tekan <Win> + <Pause> atau melalui Sisteminformasi lihatlah di jenis sistem anda.

  • Untuk Linux: Buka terminal dan ketik arch atau uname -m. i686 _> 32-bit. x86_64 _> 64-bit.

  • macOS: All supported Macs are 64-bit - however if you are running an Apple Silicon machine, choose arm64 over x64.

If you are sure to about your system's architecture you can manually choose the correct installer yourself.