Basic Inventory Usage

Inventory is the base interface for inventories. Sub-Interfaces may provide specialised methods for peek/offer/poll/set/query.


A Slot is a special inventory with a capacity of one. Slots are accessible by index but some inventories may allow accessing them in different ways too.

// Returns the slot at a given index
Optional<Slot> slot = inventory.slot(index);
// Returns all the slots in the inventory in order
List<Slot> slots = inventory.slots();
// returns the number of slots in the inventory
int capacity = inventory.capacity();

Get items | peek

 // Returns the first non-empty ItemStack following the order of `slots()`
ItemStack firstStack = inventory.peek();
// Returns the ItemStack at a given index.
// Note that the result is `Optional.empty()` only when the slot does not exist.
// If the slot is empty the stack is `ItemStack.empty()`
Optional<ItemStack> stackAt = inventory.peekAt(index);

// sums total quantity of all stacks in the inventory.
// In combination with a query for a stack this can count the quantity of that stack in the inventory.
int quantity = inventory.totalQuantity();

// checks for an exact match in the inventory.
boolean contains = inventory.contains(stack/type);
// checks for a match ignoring quantity in the inventory.
boolean containsAny = inventory.containsAny(stack);

Adding items | offer

To add items to an inventory use the offer methods:

// Adds stacks to the inventory filling it up following the order of `slots()`
InventoryTransactionResult result1 = inventory.offer(stack);
// Adds a stack to the slot at given index.
InventoryTransactionResult result2 = inventory.offer(index, stack);

// Returns whether a `offer(...)` would succeed.
boolean canFit = inventory.canFit(stack);
// Returns the number of empty slots.
// If it is zero `offer(...)` could still succeed if it can stack with an existing stack.
int freeCapacity = inventory.freeCapacity();

// Returns the rejected items if there was not enough space to fit every item.
List<ItemStackSnapshot> rejected = result1.rejectedItems();
// Reverts the transaction
// InventoryTransactionResults can be combined
InventoryTransactionResult combined = result1.and(result2);
// Reverts the transaction if any of the combined transaction was not successful

Removing items | poll

To remove items from an inventory use the polling methods:

// Removes the first non-empty (analogous to `peek()`) stack in the inventory
InventoryTransactionResult.Poll result1 = inventory.poll()
// Removes the first non-empty stack in the inventory up the the given limit.
// If the limit is higher than what is in the first empty slot it will continue removing the same item from slots after it up to the limit.
InventoryTransactionResult.Poll result2 = inventory.poll(limit)
// Removes the stack from given index
InventoryTransactionResult.Poll result3 = inventory.pollFrom(index)
// Removes the stack from given index but only up to the given limit
InventoryTransactionResult.Poll result4 = inventory.pollFrom(index, limit)

// Returns the polled item
ItemStackSnapshot polledStack = result1.polledItem();
// InventoryTransactionResults can be combined
InventoryTransactionResult combined = result1.and(result2).and(result3).and(result4);
// Returns the list of polled items - useful when handling combined results
List<ItemStackSnapshot> polledStack = result.polledItems();

Note that you can combine InventoryTransactionResult and if needed revert() or revertOnFailure() all of them in one go.

Setting items | set

// Sets the content of a single slot at given index replacing the previous item.
inventory.set(index, stack);
// Sets the content of a slot
// Sets all slots to ItemStack.empty()


Usually you can access any slot in an inventory by index although some modded inventories may prevent certain operations.

Querying Inventories | query

An inventory may have more than just indexed access.


PlayerInventory consists of PrimaryPlayerInventory (4*9) and the EquipmentInventory (armor+offhand)

PrimaryPlayerInventory consists of Hotbar (1*9) and a GridInventory (3*9)

GridInventory consists of multiple InventoryRow and InventoryColumn etc.

Note that some of these implementation are hardcoded so may not be available for modded inventories.

Calling #children() gives the next layer of inventories in that structure.

Some inventories provide helper methods to access often used sub-inventories like PlayerInventory#primary.

If applicable some inventory interfaces also provide more specific peek/offer/poll/set methods. e.g. GridInventory.peek(x,y)

public static void query() {
    TODO think up some nice query examples

Opening Inventories

ViewableInventory are a subset of inventories that can be opened by a player. If possible Sponge tracks players currently viewing this inventory.

An «open» ViewableInventory is a Container. Usually a container is a view on two inventories:

e.g. when opening a chest you see the chest and the PrimaryPlayerInventory part of the players inventory.

In Inventory Events involving the player you are most likely to encounter a Container.

// Only ViewableInventory can be opened
Optional<Container> container1 = player.openInventory(inventory);
// Optionally provide a title for the container - not supported for all inventories
Optional<Container> container2 = player.openInventory(inventory, Component.text("My Title"));

Alternatively use an Inventory Menu.


Only ViewableInventory can be viewed by a player. But most vanilla inventories are ViewableInventories.