Raw Command

The raw command interface can be used to define commands. The interface can be used as a base for custom command APIs.

It is recommended to use the Создание команды for simple command definitions.

Writing a Command

The first step is to create a class for the command. The class has to implement the interface Command.Raw:

public class MyBroadcastCommand implements Command.Raw {

    private final Component usage = Component.text("<message>");
    private final Component descritption = Component.text("Display a message to all players");

    public CommandResult process(CommandCause cause, ArgumentReader.Mutable arguments) throws CommandException {
        String message = arguments.remaining();
        return CommandResult.success();

    public List<CommandCompletion> complete(CommandCause cause, ArgumentReader.Mutable arguments) throws CommandException {
        return Collections.emptyList();

    public boolean canExecute(CommandCause cause) {
        return cause.hasPermission("myplugin.broadcast");

    public Optional<Component> shortDescription(CommandCause cause) {
        return Optional.of(this.descritption);

    public Optional<Component> extendedDescription(CommandCause cause) {
        return Optional.empty();

    public Component usage(CommandCause cause) {
        return this.usage;


See the JavaDoc for Raw for the purposes of each method in the example

Registering the Command

Now we can register the class in the RegisterCommandEvent event. You can register the command using the RegisterCommandEvent#register(PluginContainer, Command, String, String…) passing your plugin’s container, an instance of the raw command and the main command as well as any aliases.

PluginContainer container;

public void onRegisterRawCommands(final RegisterCommandEvent<Command.Raw> event){
    event.register(this.container, new MyBroadcastCommand(), "broadcast");