Установка SpongeVanilla

SpongeVanilla is a vanilla implementation of SpongeAPI as a stand-alone server.


SpongeVanilla is an implementation of SpongeAPI that is created by patching the vanilla Minecraft server. This means it is a stand-alone server, and does not utilize nor require Minecraft Forge or Forge mod loader (FML). SpongeVanilla is being developed in parallel to the Forge version of Sponge, as an alternative platform for users who do not want to run a Forge server. Originally started as an independent project and named Granite, by developers AzureusNation and VoltaSalt, the SpongeVanilla team officially joined the Sponge development team in March 2015.


Review our Versioning and grab your copy of SpongeVanilla here.

Установка SpongeVanilla


Если Вы используете панель управления игровыми серверами, то, возможно там уже есть Sponge.

SpongeVanilla работает без GUI.

  1. Загрузите SpongeVanilla.jar с сайта Sponge.

  2. Теперь вы можете запустить сервер с помощью скриптов для запуска.

  3. Чтобы другие игроки смогли подключиться настройте Перенаправление портов.


Don’t double-click the .jar file, as it will start the server without a window to control it!