Składnia JSON
This is an example of a whitelist.json
file with correct formatting (although the UUID-s are fictional). Your file
should follow the same syntax.
"uuid": "01234567-89ab-cdef-0123-456789abcdef",
"name": "Notch"
"uuid": "a0b1c2d3-e4f5-0617-2839-4a5b6c7d8e9f",
"name": "sk89q"
Reguły formatu
Nawiasy kwadratowe (»» [] «») Otwierają i zamykają plik
Each entry in the file is wrapped with curly braces (
)Each key and its corresponding value is typed on its own line
If more than one exists, both entries and key/value pairs are comma separated
Wszystkie ciągi tekstu są w cudzysłowach
UUID-s are 32 symbols long, and written in hexadecimal (0-9, a-f).
the UUID symbols are grouped. First is a group of 8, then three groups of 4, then a group of 12. The groups are separated by dashes (