

This documentation refers to an outdated SpongeAPI version and is no longer actively maintained. While the code examples still work for that API version, the policies, guidelines, and some links may have changed. Please refer to the latest version of the documentation for those.

What Is Sponge?

The purpose of the Sponge project is to create a plugin development framework for Minecraft. Sponge is being created by a global community, and its open-source nature means anyone can participate.

Sponge was created after seeing the failures of other projects in the Minecraft plugin development community. We are trying to avoid making the same mistakes as other projects; thus:

  • Sponge is an extremely open project.

  • Sponge is licensed under the MIT license - an extremely permissive open source license.

  • Performance is of high priority.

: Більшість плагінів, розроблених у SpongeAPI, повинна працювати в кількох різних версіях Minecraft без необхідності їх оновлення. Це означає, що здебільшого власникам серверів не потрібно турбуватися про несумісність плагінів.

We have two other projects in addition to the Sponge API:

  1. : SpongeForge, ядерний модуль для Minecraft Forge, що є рамкою моддингу Minecraft, відомий через популяризацію моддінг-сцени Minecraft. Forge не вистачає крос-версії API-інтерфейсу, і саме тут застосовується Sponge. Sponge дозволяє власникам серверів легко розгорнути модулі Sponge, що полегшує керування серверами.

  2. SpongeVanilla, a stand-alone implementation of the Sponge API, running on top of the vanilla Minecraft server. (SpongeVanilla was formerly known as Granite, until the development teams merged).

Players on servers running SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla do not need to install any client-side mods. They are able to join servers running Sponge using the vanilla Minecraft client provided by Mojang.

The Sponge API is not tied to any platform. This means that server owners can run Sponge plugins on any official implementation of the Sponge API. Sponge plugins should function identically on either implementation, due to the common functionality of mixins.

Where Can I Download Sponge?

Beta development builds of SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla can be found here: Sponge Downloads

Who Is behind Sponge?

Лідери проекту - Блад Blood, Габізу Gabizou та Зідан Zidane. Ми намагаємося бути дуже відкритими з командою, щоб зрештою не вийшло так, що лідери проекту «володіють всіма ключами». Тим не менш, ці три людини приймають остаточні рішення для забезпечення ефективної роботи над проектом.

A full list of staff members is located at Staff.

Our developers are well-versed with Java, and many of them have worked with Minecraft for years and know the ins-and-outs of its mechanics. There are tons of very good developers working on the Sponge project, and it would be nearly impossible to list all of them!