Внедрение зависимостей

Sponge использует внедрение зависимостей для предоставления экземпляров API плагинам. Внедрение зависимостей позволяет плагинам определить несколько типов API, которые будут использоваться после конструкции (construction).

Временный список внедренных типов

ConfigDir (аннотация пути или файла)

Используется для внедрения директории конфигурации плагина: ./config/ ИЛИ ./config/<Plugin#id>/, опираясь на ConfigDir#sharedRoot()

DefaultConfig (аннотация пути, ConfigurationLoader’a или файла)

Используется для внедрения специализированного файла конфигурации плагина: <Plugin#id>.conf

AssetId (annotation on Asset)

Used to inject a Asset from the asset folder of the plugin

AsynchronousExecutor (annotation on SpongeExecutorService)

Used to inject the plugin’s specific AsynchronousExecutor

SynchronousExecutor (annotation on SpongeExecutorService)

Used to inject the plugin’s specific SynchronousExecutor

ChannelId (annotation on ChannelBinding.IndexedMessageChannel or ChannelBinding.RawDataChannel)

Used to inject a ChannelBinding with the given channel id


Must be annotated with @AssetId.


Must be annotated with either @AsynchronousExecutor or @SynchronousExecutor. Depending on the annotation given this will contain a reference to the plugin’s specific Asynchronous or Synchronous Executor.


Должен быть аннотирован как @DefaultConfig. Используется для внедрения сгенерированного ConfigurationLoader для File той же аннотации.


Управляет регистрацией обработчиков событий и диспетчеризацией событий.


Должен быть аннотирован или как @DefaultConfig`, или как``@ConfigDir. Основываясь на выбранной аннотации, он будет указывать на файловую ссылку на файл стандартной конфигурации плагина или на директорию, используемую для хранения файлов конфигурации. В прочем, следует предпочитать Path (см. ниже).


The Game object is the core accessor of SpongeAPI.


Provides an easy way to retrieve types from a Game.


A tool provided by Configurate to allow easier mapping of objects to configuration nodes. See Serializing Objects for usage.


com.google.inject.Injector is available from Guice, it is the injector that was used to inject your plugin’s dependencies. You can use it to create a child injector with your own module in order to inject your own classes with either the Sponge provided dependencies listed on this page, or configure your own classes


Used to identify the plugin from which logged messages are sent.


Must be annotated with either @DefaultConfig or @ConfigDir. Depending on the annotation given this will contain a path reference to the plugins default config file or the directory used for storing configuration files.


A Plugin class wrapper, used to retrieve information from the annotation for easier use.


Manages the plugins loaded by the implementation. Can retrieve another plugin’s PluginContainer.

Injection Examples

There are a few references which are difficult to get - or, in some cases, impossible - without injection. While these may not be absolutely vital to every plugin, they’re quite frequently used.


Remember that it’s almost always best practice to inject your objects within the main class, as it’s instantiated with the Guice injector when the plugin is loaded.



View Ведение логов (журналов) и отладка for a complete guide, specifically for the Logger.


The Game object is the opening for many of the internal functions of SpongeAPI, from the EventManager to the Server and even the Sync/Async Scheduler.

While it is entirely possible to retrieve the Game object through Sponge.getGame(), it is commonly obtained through an injection.

Пример - поле

import com.google.inject.Inject;
import org.spongepowered.api.Game;

private Game game;

Пример - метод

private Game game;

private void setGame(Game game) {
    this.game = game;

Пример - конструктор

For the purpose of this tutorial, «Apple» is the class name.

private Game game;

public Apple(Game game) {
    this.game = game;

Config Directory

The recommended way to obtain your config file is through Guice, along with the ConfigDir annotation.


If you set sharedRoot to true, your ConfigDir will be the same directory which - potentially - houses the configuration for other plugins. In most cases where grabbing the ConfigDir is required, this should be false.

Пример - поле

import org.spongepowered.api.config.ConfigDir;

import java.nio.file.Path;

@ConfigDir(sharedRoot = false)
private Path configDir;

Пример - метод

private Path configDir;

private void setConfigDir(@ConfigDir(sharedRoot = false) Path configDir) {
    this.configDir = configDir;

Пример - конструктор

For the purposes of this tutorial, «Orange» is the class name.

private Path configDir;

public Orange(@ConfigDir(sharedRoot = false) Path configDir) {
    this.configDir = configDir;


The way that @DefaultConfig works is very similar to @ConfigDir. The biggest difference is that @DefaultConfig refers to a specific file, whereas @ConfigDir refers to a directory.


View Настройка плагинов for a complete guide, specifically for @DefaultConfig.