Debugging Sponge


See Plugin Debugging for debugging a plugin and Using the Debugger tips.

These sections provide information for debugging Sponge itself. Whether you need to debug SpongeForge, SpongeVanilla, SpongeCommon, or SpongeAPI, set up your workspace for a SpongeForge or SpongeVanilla implementation. SpongeCommon and SpongeAPI are debugged within the implementation setup.

See A estrutura do projeto Sponge for more information.


Be sure to read and understand Como utilizar o Git(Hub) and Organização dos branches do repositório as well as the entirety of the Desenvolver o Sponge sections before proceeding.

Setup the Workspace

Here are the steps to setup your workspace if you do not have one already:

  1. Clone the implementation.

  2. Make changes to the local repository (e.g. create new branch if you will make changes).

  3. Setup the implementation.

  4. Build the implementation.

  5. Run the implementation.

With these instructions successfully completed, you are ready to import the project into your IDE.


Esse é um esboço dos passos necessários para configurar o ambiente de trabalho. Veja a página Sponge no GitHub para instruções completas de clonagem, configuração, compilação e execução das implementações.
