Sponge Dokumentáció
This documentation refers to an outdated SpongeAPI version and is no longer actively maintained. While the code examples still work for that API version, the policies, guidelines, and some links may have changed. Please refer to the latest version of the documentation for those.
Üdvözöllek a SpongeDocs-ban, a hivatalos nyílt forráskódú Sponge <https://www.spongepowered.org> projekt dokumentációjában.
The SpongeAPI is your all new plugin API for Minecraft. You can run it on a plain vanilla server (as SpongeVanilla) or on your fully modded MinecraftForge server (as SpongeForge). Grab your copy here.
Not sure what you’re looking for? Try our A Sponge projektről section, which contains a short Bevezetés, our Gyakran Ismételt Kérdések and an article about The Structure of the Sponge Project.
Server owners should read our tips and instructions in Szerver létrehozása on how to install, run and maintain a Sponge based server.
The Sponge project has several main components. Learn more about the project structure here or visit their repositories on GitHub:
SpongeForge | SpongeVanilla | SpongeAPI | SpongeDocs | SpongeHome | Mixin | Ore
Sponge development is ongoing. Beta and Experimental builds of both SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla are currently available for download.
Szerver létrehozása
This section is for users who have a Sponge server or are interested in creating one.
Preparing for Development
Get yourself and your machine ready to develop Sponge itself or your own plugins! Please read this section before Plugin készítése and Hozzájárulás a Sponge munkájához.
Creating Plugins
Need help and information while coding your plugin for the SpongeAPI? Look no further!
- Plugin készítése
- Build Systems
- Setting Up Your Workspace
- Setting Up Your Project
- Plugin Identifiers
- Main Plugin Class
- Plugin Lifecycle
- Dependency Injection
- Best Practices
- Optionals
- Logging and Debugging
- Parancsok
- Events
- The Asset API
- Configuring Plugins
- Text
- The Data API
- Blocks
- Entities
- Items
- Trade-Offers
- Effects
- Scheduler
- Services
- Databases
- Permissions
- Bans
- Book Views
- Economy
- World Generation
- Plugin Manager
- Game Profile Manager
- Offline Player Data
- Plugin Debugging
- Tab Lists
- Plugin Metadata
- Ray Tracing
- Tutorials
- Implementation-dependent Plugins
Learn how to publish, install, browse, and use our Web API for our custom built plugin hosting solution, Ore.
Hozzájárulás a Sponge munkájához
Look here if you want to help out in making Sponge better. Make Spongie proud!
This section contains basic information about the project, read this if you’re confused about Sponge, its parts, or our goals.

The SpongePowered team are grateful to YourKit for providing its full-featured Java Profiler free to open source projects. YourKit, LLC is the creator of YourKit Java Profiler and YourKit .NET Profiler, innovative and intelligent tools for profiling Java and .NET applications.