Komendy są jednym ze sposobów, dzięki którym administratorzy mogą zarządzać serwerem, a gracze mogą z nim oddziaływać.
In Sponge, commands follow a system of permissions. Permissions allow server operators to control who can access what commands. By default, all commands are granted to players with OP status. Players without operator status do not have access to administrative commands or commands that require an assigned permission node. A server operator can fine-tune who can access what commands by adding/negating permission nodes through a permissions plugin.
Sponge nie jest pluginem do zarządzania uprawnieniami. Aby nadać lub odebrać uprawnienia dla poszczególnym graczom lub grupom, potrzebujesz pluginu do zarządzania uprawnieniami.
Komendy Operatora
Poniższe komendy wraz z tymi przeznaczonymi dla graczy są dostępne dla administratorów serwera.
Poniższe komendy dostępne są tylko dla graczy ze statusem operatora (lub poprawny wpis do uprawnień) na serwerach opartych na Sponge.
Komenda |
Opis |
Uprawnienie |
/sponge audit |
Forces loading of unloaded classes to enable mixin debugging. |
sponge.command.audit |
/sponge chunks |
Prints out the chunk data for a world, a dimension, or globally. |
sponge.command.chunks |
/sponge config |
Zmienia konfigurację globalną, świata, lub wymiaru. |
sponge.command.config |
/sponge heap |
Dumps the JVM heap. |
sponge.command.heap |
/sponge plugins |
Wyświetla listę obecnie zainstalowanych pluginów. |
sponge.command.plugins |
/sponge plugins reload |
Asks plugins to perform their own reload procedures. |
sponge.command.plugins.reload |
/sponge reload |
Przeładowuje ustawienia globalne, świata i wymiaru. |
sponge.command.reload |
/sponge save |
Zapisuje ustawienia konfiguracji globalnej, świata, lub wymiaru. |
sponge.command.save |
/sponge timings |
Główne polecenie dla modułu chronometrażu. |
sponge.command.timings |
/sponge tps |
Wyświetla ticki na sekundę dla każdego świata. |
sponge.command.tps |
/sponge version |
Wyświetla aktualną wersję Sponge/SpongeAPI w konsoli. |
sponge.command.version |
Sponge Command Parameters
/sponge chunks [-g] [-d dim] [-w world]
/sponge config [-g] [-d dim] [-w world] key value
/sponge save [-g] [-d dim|*] [-w world|*]
/sponge reload [-g] [-d dim|*] [-w world|*]
The /sponge audit
command forces loading of any classes which have not yet been loaded, allowing the full output
from all mixin debugging environment variables to be captured. This also requires the mixins.checks variable, see
the Mixin wiki for more information.
Here are a few simple examples of the sponge config command in action. Please see Konfiguracja Sponge for a more detailed explanation.
/sponge config logging.chunk-load true
Since no dimension was specified, the dimension would default to the sender(player) dimension. So if you were in a mystcraft dimension, this would alter the mystcraft dimension config.
/sponge config -d nether logging.chunk-load true
Since a dimension type was specified, this would alter the nether dimension config (and hence all nether worlds).
/sponge config -w DIM1 logging.chunk-load true
This would alter the config of world named DIM1.
Wyczucia czasu
Timings are a tool built into Sponge that allows server administrators to monitor the performance of their server.
Timings will collect information about a server so that a report may later be generated on the data. Information that
is recorded by timings include the server motd, version, uptime, memory, installed plugins, tps, percent of tps loss,
amount of players, tile entities, entities, and chunks.
Below is a list of sub-commands to /sponge timings
Komenda |
Opis |
/sponge timings on |
Enables timings. Note that this will also reset timings data. |
/sponge timings off |
Disables timings. Note that most timings commands will not function and timings will not be recorded if timings are disabled. |
/sponge timings reset |
Resets all timing data and begins recording timing data after the time this command was done. |
/sponge timings report |
Generates the timings report on your server performance at https://timings.aikar.co |
/sponge timings verbon |
Enables timings monitoring at the verbose level. |
/sponge timings verboff |
Disables timings monitoring at the verbose level. Note that high-frequency timings will not be available. |
/sponge timings cost |
Gets the cost of using timings. |
The following commands are available only when using the SpongeForge coremod on Forge. Other implementations of the Sponge API, such as SpongeVanilla, do not include these commands.
Komenda |
Opis |
Uprawnienie |
/forge tps |
Wyświetla ticki na sekundę dla każdego świata. |
forge.command.forge |
/forge track |
Włącza tryb śledzenia. |
forge.command.forge |
For any Forge mods that use the vanilla command API, command permissions are provided in the form <modid>.command.<commandname>
There are several commands built-in to vanilla Minecraft that are also available on servers powered by Sponge. The list
below is not comprehensive, but it includes the most commonly used commands. These commands are available to players with
operator status (or the correct permission node). In general, permissions for vanilla Minecraft commands on a Sponge
server are of the structure minecraft.command.<command>
, as shown below.
Komenda |
Opis |
Uprawnienie |
/ban |
Zbanuj gracza. |
minecraft.command.ban |
/ban-ip |
Zablokuj adres IP gracza. |
minecraft.command.ban-ip |
/banlist |
Pokazuje wszystkich zbanowanych graczy. |
minecraft.command.banlist |
/wyczyść |
Wyczyść ekwipunek. |
minecraft.command.clear |
/deop |
Usuwa OP’a z gracza. |
minecraft.command.deop |
/difficulty |
Ustaw poziom trudności gry. |
minecraft.command.difficulty |
/gamemode |
Ustaw try gry gracza. |
minecraft.command.gamemode |
/gamerule |
Ustaw zasady gry. |
minecraft.command.gamerule |
/give |
Daj przedmiot graczowi. |
minecraft.command.give |
/kill |
Zabij gracza lub stworzenie. |
minecraft.command.kill |
/op |
Nadaje użytkownikowi uprawnienia operatora. |
minecraft.command.op |
/pardon |
Usuwa gracza z listy zbanowanych. |
minecraft.command.pardon |
/save-all |
Zapisz serwer. |
minecraft.command.save-all |
/save-off |
Wyłącza automatyczne zapisywanie serwera. |
minecraft.command.save-off |
/save-on |
Włącz automatyczne zapisywanie serwera. |
minecraft.command.save-on |
/setidletimeout |
Określa jak długo gracze mogą pozostawać bezczynni zanim zostaną wyrzuceni z gry. |
minecraft.command.setidletimeout |
/setworldspawn |
Ustawia ogólny spawn świata. |
minecraft.command.setworldspawn |
/stop |
Zatrzymaj serwer. |
minecraft.command.stop |
/toggledownfall |
Przełącza między słoneczną a deszczową pogodą. |
minecraft.command.toggledownfall |
/tp |
Teleportuj graczy i stworzenia. |
minecraft.command.tp |
/weather |
Zmienia pogodę do określonego stanu. |
minecraft.command.weather |
/whitelist |
Zarządzaj white-listą serwera. |
minecraft.command.whitelist |
/worldborder |
Zarządzaj granicą świata. |
minecraft.command.worldborder |
Sponge also creates a spawn-protection bypass permission, and two permissions for controlling the
ability to edit commandblocks. Note that these permissions use the actual name of the commandblock,
which is normally @
by default.
Allow player to bypass spawn-protection on all worlds:
Allow editing an ordinary commandblock of the given name:
Allow editing a minecart commandblock of the given name:
Komendy gracza
Te komendy dostępne są dla zwykłych graczy.
Komenda |
Opis |
Uprawnienie |
/help |
Wyświetla informacje na temat poleceń używanych na serwerze |
minecraft.command.help |
/me |
Powiedz wszystkim, co robisz. |
minecraft.command.me |
/say |
Wysyła wiadomość do wszystkich (lub, jeżeli wykorzystując selektory, konkretnych graczy). |
minecraft.command.say |
/tell |
Wysyła prywatną wiadomość do innego gracza. |
minecraft.command.tell |
A full list of vanilla commands can be found at: http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Commands#List_of_commands. Permissions
for vanilla Minecraft commands on a Sponge server are of the structure minecraft.command.<command>