Hoofdklasse uw plugin


The instructions within the Sponge Documentation assume that you have prior knowledge of Java. SpongeAPI provides the foundation for you to begin creating plugins for Minecraft servers powered by Sponge; however, it is up to you to be creative and make your code work! There are several free Java courses online if you have had little experience with Java.

Uw klasse maken

The next step after adding SpongeAPI as a dependency is creating a new class. The class can be named however you like, and can be in any package that does not begin with org.spongepowered. By convention, class names should be in title case.

Oracle raadt aan om uw domeinnaam te gebruiken als package naam, indien u een domeinnaam heeft. Als u geen domeinnaam heeft is het gebruikelijk om een e-mailadres te gebruiken (zoals com.gmail.gebruikersnaam.project) of een open-source repository (zoals io.github.gebruikersnaam.project).

Na het aanmaken van uw hoofdklasse moet u de Plugin annotatie toevoegen als prefix. Deze annotatie zorgt ervoor dat Sponge makkelijk de hoofdklasse van uw plugin kan vinden wanneer uw plugin wordt geladen. Een voorbeeld wordt hieronder geïllustreerd, uitgebreidere informatie is te vinden bij Plugin Metadata.

package io.github.username.project;

import org.spongepowered.plugin.builtin.jvm.Plugin;

public class ExamplePlugin {



Refereer naar Plugin-ID’s als u nog niet uw plugin-ID heeft gekozen.

Jouw plugin initialiseren

Your plugin can listen for particular events, called lifecycle events, to be notified about changes in the state of the game or be to prompted to peform a specific task, such as registering a command. In the example below, onServerStart(StartedEngineEvent<Server>) is called when the StartedEngineEvent occurs for the Server. Note that the method is annotated with the Listener annotation.

The example below will log a message upon starting the server. If your plugin is correctly loaded, you should see this message as part of the server’s initialization output.

import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.lifecycle.StartedEngineEvent;
import org.spongepowered.plugin.builtin.jvm.Plugin;

// Imports for logger
import com.google.inject.Inject;
import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;

public class ExamplePlugin {

    private Logger logger;

    public void onServerStart(final StartedEngineEvent<Server> event) {
        logger.info("Successfully running ExamplePlugin!!!");



The Sponge documentation provides a guide with more information on events (see Events). Normally, in addition to prefixing event-handler methods with @Listener, you must also register your object with Sponge’s event bus, which can be done at any time. However, your main plugin class is registered automatically.

Lifecycle Events

It may also be desirable to listen for other lifecycle events in your plugin, such that you can react to re-registration requests or engine/game state changes. See the plugin lifecycle documentation for more information on the lifecycle events available for plugins to listen to.