Installare un Editor di Testo

Articles on SpongeDocs are saved as text files in the reStructuredText markup language. Although your operating system’s default text editor is likely sufficient for editing these files, installing a different text editor may prove to be useful.


Visual Studio Code

VS Code is a cross platform, open source, code and text editor by Microsoft licensed under the MIT license. It is a popular choice used by many of Sponge’s developers, for writing documentation and even for developing plugins. Unlike a regular text editor there is support for debugging, syntax highlighting, intelligent code completion, code refactoring, and more. There is also Git support, a great plugin for reST support, and even a plugin for HOCON.

VS Code can be downloaded for free from


Atom is an open-source text editor published under the MIT license. Atom has built-in support for projects stored in a Git repository, such as SpongeDocs. This article goes more in depth about the features of Atom’s Git integration. If you’re interested in adding reST support to Atom, check out this package.

Atom può essere scaricato gratuitamente da


Notepad++ è probabilmente uno dei più popolari editor di testo.

Notepad++ can be downloaded for free from

Sublime Text

Sublime Text è un editor di testi multi-piattaforma, con un bel paio di funzioni utili. Esso include la possibilità di personalizzare l’aspetto del’editor, creare macro utili, e comprende anche una API plugin per rendere il vostro editing ancora più facile. Sublime Text fornisce sia una versione gratuita e una versione a pagamento.

Sublime Text can be downloaded for free from