

These docs were written for SpongeAPI 7 and are likely out of date. If you feel like you can help update them, please submit a PR!

This topic covers the ingame TradeOffers offered by Villagers/Merchants.


A Merchant is a container for TradeOffers. Its most common variant is the Villager. The Merchant interface can be used to open trading windows.

TradeOffers can be added to and removed from Merchants using TradeOfferData.


A trade offer consists of

  • a primary/first buying ItemStackSnapshot

  • an optional secondary buying ItemStackSnapshot

  • a selling ItemStackSnapshot

  • already used uses

  • maximal available uses

  • a flag to indicate whether experience orbs are spawned on trade

TradeOffers can be created using a Builder or a TradeOfferGenerator.


TradeOfferBuilders are mainly used if you want to dynamically create TradeOffers on the fly.

The following code block builds a new TradeOffer that allows Players to trade five DIRT into three GRASS block items. This trade offer has four initial uses, after that the Merchant might need some time to offer this TradeOffer again.

TradeOffer offer = TradeOffer.builder()
    .firstBuyingItem(ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.DIRT, 5))
    .sellingItem(ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.GRASS, 3))


A TradeOfferListMutator is an interface that is invoked during Villager level ups. It can be used to replace existing TradeOffers (e.g. higher tier) and add new TradeOffers. Its simplest and only API provided variant is the TradeOfferGenerator. The different TradeOfferListMutators for each level and Career can be configured in the VillagerRegistry.


The TradeOffer list in Villagers might be generated lazily when the trading inventory is opened for the first time.


TradeOfferGenerators are simple templates for new TradeOffers. They are a variant of the TradeOfferListMutator that will only add new entries and does not alter or remove any existing TradeOffers on that villager.

TradeOfferGenerator tradeOfferGenerator = TradeOfferGenerator.builder()
        .setPrimaryItemGenerator(random -> ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.DIRT, random.nextInt(3) + 5))
        .setSellingGenerator(random -> ItemStack.of(ItemTypes.GRASS, 5))
        .startingUses(VariableAmount.baseWithVariance(2, 1))

This TradeOfferGenerator will randomly generate TradeOffers that will

  • buy 5-8 DIRT

  • sell 5 GRASS

  • has 2-4 remaining initial uses

  • 5 max uses

The chance that the generated TradeOffer will grant experience is 50%.


You can use ItemStackGenerators to dynamically apply enchantments or other custom data to the buying and selling items.


The VillagerRegistry can be obtained from the GameRegistry. It will be used to configure the TradeOfferListMutator that will be applied on a Villager’s level-up.

VillagerRegistry villagerRegistry = this.game.getRegistry().getVillagerRegistry();
List<TradeOfferListMutator> generators = new ArrayList<>(villagerRegistry.getMutatorsForCareer(Careers.FARMER, 1));
villagerRegistry.setMutators(Careers.FARMER, 1, generators);

The lowest specifiable level-up mutator is level 1. This is equivalent to a newly spawned Villager.


Changes to the VillagerRegistry will be lost on server restart and won’t have any impact on the TradeOffers from Villagers that have levelled up in the past.