명령어와 권한
These docs have not been fully updated to SpongeAPI 8 and may be out of date. If you feel like you can help update them, please submit a PR!
명령어는 관리자가 서버를 관리하는 동시에 플레이어가 서버와 상호교류를 할 수 있도록 구현된 것입니다.
스폰지에서는, 명령어들은 권한 시스템에 따라 연동됩니다. 권한은 서버 관리자에게 누가 어떤 명령어를 사용할 수 있는지 설정할 수 있도록 허용해줍니다. 기본적으로 OP 상태에 있는 플레이어들에게는 모든 명령어의 권한을 귀속시켜줍니다. OP 상태에 있지 않은 플레이어들은 관리 명령어나 펄미션 노드가 지정된 명령어에는 접근(사용)할 수 없도록 합니다. 서버 관리자는 어떤 명령어에 펄미션 플러그인을 이용해 펄미션 노드에 대한 접근 여부를 설정하여 누가 그 명령어를 접근할 수 있는지에 대해 설정할 수 있습니다.
스폰지는 펄미션 관리 플러그인이 아닙니다. 각각의 플레이어나 그룹에 대해 권한을 부여하기 위해서는 펄미션 관리 플러그인을 직접 찾으셔야 합니다.
관리자 명령어
이 명령어들은 일반적인 명령어들과 함께 서버 관리자가 이용할 수 있습니다.
다음의 명령어들은 OP 상태의 플레이어 혹은 펄미션 노드를 귀속받은 플레이어가 사용할 수 있습니다.
명령어 |
설명 |
권한 |
/sponge audit |
Mixin 디버깅을 통해 로드되지 않은 클래스 파일을 강제로 로드 |
sponge.command.audit |
/sponge blockinfo |
타겟팅 중인 블록에 대한 정보를 표시 |
sponge.command.blockinfo |
/sponge chunks |
Prints out the chunk data for a world, a dimension, or globally. |
sponge.command.chunks |
/sponge config |
Alters a global, world, or a dimension config. |
sponge.command.config |
/sponge entityinfo |
Shows the type and some additional information about the entity you are looking at. |
sponge.command.entityinfo |
/sponge heap |
Dumps the JVM heap. |
sponge.command.heap |
/sponge metrics |
Gets or sets whether metric (also known as server stats) collection is enabled for a given plugin. |
sponge.command.metrics |
/sponge mods |
Lists currently installed forge mods. (SpongeForge only) |
sponge.command.mods |
/sponge plugins list |
Lists currently installed Sponge plugins. |
sponge.command.plugins |
/sponge plugins refresh |
Asks plugins to perform their own reload procedures. |
sponge.command.plugins.refresh |
/sponge reload |
Reloads the global, world, or dimension config. |
sponge.command.reload |
/sponge save |
Saves the global, world, or dimension config. |
sponge.command.save |
/sponge tps |
Display ticks per second for each world. |
sponge.command.tps |
/sponge version |
Prints the Sponge/SpongeAPI versions to the console. |
sponge.command.version |
/sponge which |
Prints which plugin provided the command, it’s aliases and alternatives. |
sponge.command.which |
/sponge:callback |
Internally used for callback actions on
/sponge:help |
View information on commands used on the server. |
sponge.command.help |
Sponge Command Parameters
/sponge chunks [-g] [-d dim] [-w world]
/sponge config [-g] [-d dim] [-w world] key value
/sponge save [-g] [-d dim|*] [-w world|*]
/sponge reload [-g] [-d dim|*] [-w world|*]
Command Conflicts
In cases of command conflict, Sponge provides a primary alias mechanism to specify which command is to be used. For
example, Minecraft provides the reload command and
Sponge provides the reload command. To
specify which command to use, prefix it with minecraft
or sponge
and a :
. So, to use Sponge’s reload command
above, type in /sponge:reload
. This approach can also be used to handle conflicts between mods and/or plugins. Do
the same thing, just use the mod-id or the plugin-id and a :
. An example is /examplemodid:tp
Furthermore, the primary alias mechanism can be used to overcome incompatibilities. Let’s say a plugin registers a command, but the command is incompatible with your mod. If you can configure your mod to use a Minecraft native command or another plugin’s command, you can restore the expected behavior or prevent unexpected behaviors.
The /sponge audit
command forces loading of any classes which have not yet been loaded, allowing the full output
from all mixin debugging environment variables to be captured. This also requires the mixins.checks variable, see
the Mixin wiki for more information.
Here are a few simple examples of the sponge config command in action. Note that at least one target flag must be specified. Please see Sponge 설정하기 for a more detailed explanation.
/sponge config -d minecraft:nether logging.chunk-load true
Since a dimension type was specified, this would alter the nether dimension config (and hence all nether worlds).
/sponge config -w DIM1 logging.chunk-load true
This would alter the config of world named DIM1.
Sponge provides two permissions for debugging purposes:
Allow using Sponge’s block and entity tracking message channel:
This message channel is used by the client (if the SpongeForge mod is installed) to display the block and entity owner and notifier in the debug view.Allow hovering of command execution errors to get the stacktrace:
The following commands are available only when using the SpongeForge coremod on Forge. Other implementations of the SpongeAPI, such as SpongeVanilla, do not include these commands.
명령어 |
설명 |
권한 |
/forge tps |
Display ticks per second for each world. |
forge.command.forge |
/forge track |
Enable tile entity tracking. |
forge.command.forge |
For any Forge mods that use the vanilla command API, command permissions are provided in the form
There are several commands built-in to vanilla Minecraft that are also available on servers powered by Sponge. The list
below is not comprehensive, but it includes the most commonly used commands. These commands are available to players
with operator status (or the correct permission node). In general, permissions for vanilla Minecraft commands on a
Sponge server are of the structure minecraft.command.<command>
, as shown below.
명령어 |
설명 |
권한 |
/ban |
플레이어를 차단합니다. |
minecraft.command.ban |
/ban-ip |
플레이어의 IP 주소를 차단합니다. |
minecraft.command.ban-ip |
/banlist |
차단된 플레이어를 모두 보여줍니다. |
minecraft.command.banlist |
/clear |
인벤토리를 초기화합니다. |
minecraft.command.clear |
/deop |
플레이어에게서 OP를 제거합니다. |
minecraft.command.deop |
난이도 |
게임 난이도를 설정합니다. |
minecraft.command.difficulty |
/gamemode |
플레이어의 게임모드를 설정합니다. |
minecraft.command.gamemode |
/gamerule |
게임 규칙을 설정합니다. |
minecraft.command.gamerule |
/give |
플레이어에게 아이템을 줍니다. |
minecraft.command.give |
/kill |
플레이어나 엔티티를 죽입니다. |
minecraft.command.kill |
/op |
플레이어에게 관리자 지위를 줍니다. |
minecraft.command.op |
/pardon |
플레이어를 차단 목록에서 제거합니다. |
minecraft.command.pardon |
/save-all |
서버를 중지합니다. |
minecraft.command.save-all |
/save-off |
자동적인 서버 저장을 비활성화합니다. |
minecraft.command.save-off |
/save-on |
Enable automatic server saving. |
minecraft.command.save-on |
/setidletimeout |
Define how long players can be idle before getting kicked. |
minecraft.command.setidletimeout |
/setworldspawn |
세계의 소환 지점을 설정합니다. |
minecraft.command.setworldspawn |
/stop |
서버를 중지합니다. |
minecraft.command.stop |
/toggledownfall |
날씨를 맑음이나 비 내림으로 변경합니다. |
minecraft.command.toggledownfall |
/tp |
플레이어나 엔티티로 순간이동합니다. |
minecraft.command.tp |
/weather |
날씨를 정의된 상태로 설정합니다. |
minecraft.command.weather |
/whitelist |
서버 화이트리스트를 관리합니다. |
minecraft.command.whitelist |
/worldborder |
월드의 제한을 관리합니다. |
minecraft.command.worldborder |
Sponge also creates permissions for these Minecraft features:
Allow player to use the entity-selector in commands:
Allow player to bypass spawn-protection in all worlds:
Allow player to bypass force-gamemode in all worlds:
Allow editing an ordinary commandblock of the given name:
Allow editing a minecart commandblock of the given name:
These permissions use the actual name of the commandblock, which is normally @
by default.
There are also extra permissions managing the access to the server:
Treat the user as whitelisted:
Allow this user to bypass the server’s player limit:
Sponge offers improved multi-world support, such as per-world world borders. By default, Sponge only changes the
world border (or other world options) of the world the player is currently in. The vanilla behavior of setting it
for all worlds can be restored using the global configuration and setting
(or the corresponding entry) to false
. See
global.conf for details. Sponge assumes that multi-world plugins also
provide optimized configuration commands for those options and thus does not provide its own variants.
플레이어 명령어들
The following commands are available as part of vanilla Minecraft to players without operator status.
명령어 |
설명 |
권한 |
/help |
View information on commands used on the server, by default the Sponge command will be used instead! |
minecraft.command.help |
/me |
모두에게 자신이 뭐하는 중인지 말합니다. |
minecraft.command.me |
/say |
Display a message to everyone (or, if using selectors, specific players). |
minecraft.command.say |
/tell |
다른 플레이어에게 개인적인 메시지를 보냅니다. |
minecraft.command.tell |
A full list of vanilla commands can be found at: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Commands#List_and_summary_of_commands. Permissions
for vanilla Minecraft commands on a Sponge server are of the structure minecraft.command.<command>
Command Features
Sponge and most Sponge plugins support additional command features such as auto completion and hoverable text. The image
below shows the output using the /sponge plugins
command (yellow box). The elements in that list can be hovered over
to get addition information such as the current version number (red box). Some elements in the example below also have
additional actions bound to them. For example, the plugin entries in that list can be clicked to show more detailed
information (purple box) about that plugin. This is equivalent to sending the /sponge plugins <pluginId>
The auto completion can be triggered by pressing tab. Entering /sponge plugins
(with a trailing space) and then
pressing tab will show a list of possible values (turquoise box) that can be used in that context. Pressing tab again
will iterate the possibilities, if any. Theoretically it is possible to write most commands by pressing only tab and
space (and maybe the first letter of each segment).

If you are a plugin author and you want to use hoverable text and text actions in your plugin, then head over to our Text documentation.