Creación de Texto

Formatted text can be created using Component factories as described in this section. The robust text API can be used in a variety of ways to combine styling, coloring, and actions.

Texto Sin Formato

Oftentimes, all you need is unformatted text. Unformatted text is the simplest form of text to create.


import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component;

Component unformattedText = Component.text("Hey! This is unformatted text!");

El fragmento de código ilustrado anteriormente devolverá texto sin color, el texto sin formato sin acciones de texto configuradas.

Formatted Text

The Component interface allows for the creation of formatted text in a «building-block» style. Components in Adventure act like builders where any Component can be amended with colors, decorations, etc. Components are immutable, so using these builder-like methods will create a copy each time. There is no need to call .build() at the end, unlike with Sponge’s previous Text API from API 7 and below.


Leer este Artículo de Wikipedia para ayudar a entender el propósito del patrón de generador en el diseño del software.


One usage of the text API is the addition of colors to text, as illustrated below.

Ejemplo: Texto con Color

import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor;

Component coloredText = Component.text("Woot! Golden text is golden.", NamedTextColor.GOLD);

Any Minecraft color specified within the NamedTextColor class can be used when coloring text, as well as full-RGB colors using TextColor. Multiple colors can be used in text by appending additional texts with different colors:

Ejemplo: Texto Multicolor

import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextColor;

Component multiColoredText = Component.text("Sponges are ", NamedTextColor.YELLOW).append(
        Component.text("invincible!", TextColor.color(0x5fb0ff)));


The API can also be used to style text, including underlining, italicizing, etc. This is called «decorating» in the Adventure library.

Ejemplo: Texto con Estilo

import net.kyori.adventure.text.format.TextDecoration;

Component styledText = Component.text("Yay! Styled text!").decorate(TextDecoration.ITALIC);
Component shortcutText = Component.text("Shortcut for both!", NamedTextColor.GRAY, TextDecoration.UNDERLINE);

Al igual que con los colores, pueden ser utilizados múltiples estilos encadenando estilos separados de textos.

Ejemplo: Texto con Múltiples Estilos

Component multiStyledText = Component.text("I'm italicized! ").decorate(TextDecoration.ITALIC)
        .append(Component.text("I'm bold!").decorate(TextDecoration.BOLD));

Text Events

Components also offer the ability to create actions for text. Any action within the HoverEvent or ClickEvent classes can be used when creating text actions for text. Sponge provides additional actions in SpongeComponents. The method below is a small example of what text actions can do.

Example: Text with an Event

import net.kyori.adventure.text.event.ClickEvent;

Component clickableText = Component.text("Click here!")
    .clickEvent(ClickEvent.runCommand("tell Spongesquad I'm ready!"));

Component callbackText = Component.text("Click here too!")
        cause -> cause.audience().sendMessage(Component.text("You clicked!"))));

En el método anterior, los jugadores pueden hacer clic al texto «¡Haga click aquí!» para ejecutar el comando especificado.


Some text actions, such as ClickEvent#changePage(int), can only be used with book items.


Al igual que con los colores, múltiples acciones pueden ser añadidas al texto. Las acciones de texto pueden ser utilizadas junto con los colores debido a la interfaz de patrón del generador.


Los selectores de objetivos pueden ser utilizados para apuntar a jugadores o entidades que cumplan un criterio especificado. Los selectores de objetivos son particularmente útiles al crear complementos de minijuegos, pero tienen una amplia gama de aplicaciones.


Read this Minecraft wiki article for help understanding what target selectors are in Minecraft, and how to use them.

To use selectors in text, there is a component factory for Selectors. This is illustrated in the example below.

Ejemplo: Texto Generado por Selector

Component adventurers = Component.text("These players are in adventure mode: ")

In this example, the target selector @a[m=2] is targeting every online player who is in adventure mode. When the method is called, a Component will be returned with a selector of all the usernames of every online player who is in adventure mode. To send this selector to players, the selector will have to be expanded to the real usernames using SpongeComponents#resolve.

Text Builders

Mutable builder classes exist for every kind of Component. These are available should you need a mutable representation, and they are also used in a few convenience methods throughout the library to expose parts of an existing Component for editing.

Example: Text Component builder

Component weBuiltThisText = Component.text()
        .content("with Sponge and Flard")
        .decorate(TextDecoration.ITALIC, TextDecoration.BOLD)

Example: Editing text with a StyleBuilder

Component limitedEdition =
        styleBuilder -> styleBuilder.decorate(TextDecoration.UNDERLINE));