All blocks are of a base type. Examples of base types include redstone dust, brick stairs, and chest. However, to further differentiate these base types, each block has set of different properties, of which each can take a limited set of values (i.e. activated redstone, corner brick stairs, double chest). A block can have multiple properties (such as corner,*upsidedown* stairs).
Exemple de propriétés de blocs
minecraft:dirt[snowy=false,variant=default] minecraft:dirt[snowy=true,variant=default] minecraft:dirt[snowy=false,variant=grassless] minecraft:dirt[snowy=true,variant=grassless] minecraft:redstone_wire[east=up,north=up,power=0,south=up,west=up] minecraft:redstone_wire[east=side,north=up,power=0,south=up,west=up] minecraft:redstone_wire[east=none,north=up,power=0,south=up,west=up] minecraft:redstone_wire[east=up,north=side,power=0,south=up,west=up]
Quelques propriétés sont éphémères – elles existent seulement quand le jeu est lancé. Leurs valeurs ne sont pas écrites dans le fichier de sauvegarde, car leurs valeurs peuvent être détectées automatiquement. Par exemple, avec un fil de Redstone, son état dépend de son environnement (activé par un levier ?). Dans ce cas, la propriété power
du fil de redstone minecraft:redstone_wire
, comme illustrée ci-dessous, est une propriété éphémère.
Each property will have a finite number of valid values that can be assigned to the property. Exampeles would be that redstone power can only be a value between 0 and 15. This means that Minecraft knows each possible state of a block prior to fully booting the server. This is required knowledge as sending blocks over the network are compressed to a number.
Block Entity Data
With block properties having a known preset of possible values, these cannot be used when attempting to store data whereby there is a infinite amount of possibilities. Examples include sign text and block inventories.
Minecraft’s solution to this is block entities, which are Java objects that store additional data on a Location the block is at in NBT format. Examples of block entities are Chest
Example use would be to receive the inventory of a chest. This can be done as follows
import org.spongepowered.api.block.entity.BlockEntity;
import org.spongepowered.api.block.entity.carrier.chest.Chest;
import org.spongepowered.api.item.inventory.type.BlockEntityInventory;
public Optional<BlockEntityInventory<Chest>> getChestInventory(ServerLocation location){
Optional<BlockEntity> optionalBlockEntity = location.blockEntity();
BlockEntity blockEntity = optionalBlockEntity.get();
if(blockEntity instanceof Chest){
Chest chest = (Chest) blockEntity;
return Optional.of(chest.inventory());
return Optional.empty();
Certaines choses, comme les peintures, sont en réalité des entités.
Toutefois, les entités de bloc peuvent également outrepasser le rendu de sorte qu’elles ne ressemblent pas à un bloc régulier, bien que ce soit généralement inefficace et provoque une chute de FPS du client.